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Mai 2016


TYPO3 Newsletter - Mai 2016

Herzlich willkommen zur neuen Ausgabe des TYPO3 Newsletters. Hier findest Du Neuigkeiten und Interessantes aus dem TYPO3-Universum.

TYPO3 News

Kritische Sicherheitslücke in allen TYPO3 Versionen

Am 24.5. erschienen neue TYPO3-Versionen, die eine kritische Sicherheitslücke schlossen. Wegen der schwere dieser Lücke stehen auch Patches für alte, eigentlich nicht mehr unterstützte Versionen bereit. Konkret sind alle TYPO3-Versionen ab 4.3.0 betroffen.

TYPO3 Tipps

Touch Icons with TypoScript

Nur Favicons waren gestern! Heutzutage benötigt man für die diversen Smartphones und Tablets auch Touch-Icons. Wie man die mit wenig Aufwand per TypoScript erzeugen kann, zeigt dieser Artikel.


Im Rahmen der Neugestaltung des Backends in TYPO3 7 wurden auch sämtliche Icons auf SVG-Grafiken umgstellt. Wie man diese Icons in eigenen Extensions nutzen kann, erklärt dieser Artikel.

Responsive Images mit Fluid Styled Content (FSC)

In fluid_styled_content gibt es bisher keine mitgelieferte Möglichkeit mehr, "responsive images" mit Hilfe von <picture> order <srcset> auszugeben. Hier wird erklärt, wie man das mit wenigen Handgriffen nachrüsten kann.

FORM via TypoScript aufbauen und ausgeben

Seit längerem können Formulare der System-Extension form schon per TypoScript definiert und verwendet werden. Hier wird ein Beispielformular als Grundlage gezeigt.

Seiten von Suchmaschinensuche ausschließen

Mit ein wenig TypoScript kann man die Checkbox "In Indexsuche einbeziehen" in den Seiteneigenschaften auch zur Steuerung der Indizierung durch externe Suchmaschinen nutzen.

TYPO3 Extensions

TYPO3 Extension „cs_seo“ verbessert Suchmaschinenoptimierung

cs_seo stellt sowohl Redakteuren als auch Entwicklern verschiedene Werkzeuge für die Suchmaschinenoptimierung einer TYPO3-Seite bereit.

Extension Updates im Mai

Ein kleine Auswahl von Extensions, die im Mai neu bzw. in einer aktualisierten Version im TER veröffentlicht wurden (In der Reihenfolge der Veröffentlichung):

  • FE Users Map (feusersmap)
    by Joachim Ruhs
    Responsive Google maps for frontend users
  • Cookie Law Management (aip_cookie_law)
    by Marcella Greca, Ivano Luberti, Abramo Tesoro
    Cookie Law Management is an easy to use plugin that allows to show privacy information, manage website cookies and get consent to install. It is compliant with EU Law and Italian Law (more restricitve).
  • typo3_forum (typo3_forum)
    by Mittwald CM Service
    Forum extension
  • Twitter feed (cw_twitter)
    by Arjan de Pooter
    Show tweets from user or search query on frontend. Compatible with TYPO3 7.6.X
  • CAB Login As (cabag_loginas)
    by Dimitri Koenig, Tizian Schmidlin, Lorenz Ulrich, Thomas Löffler
    Within the backend you have a button in the fe_user table and in the upper right corner to quickly login as this fe user in frontend.
  • Questionnaire (ke_questionnaire)
    Easily create any type of questionnaire, survey, poll, quiz or eLearning. The results may be evaluated and displayed graphically at any time.
  • RSS News Feed (pits_rssnews)
    by Arun Chandran
    This extension imports rss news items from external rss feeds. This extension builds using extbase and fluid. It does not import anything into the database and it only displays the rss news articles in front end.
  • Multishop (multishop)
    by Bas van Beek (BVB Media)
    TYPO3 Multishop is an E-Commerce plugin for the TYPO3 CMS which supports front-end editing and multiple web shops within the same pagetree.
  • Faceted Search (ke_search)
    by Christian Buelter (team.inmedias)
    Faceted fulltext search for TYPO3. Fast, flexible and easy to use. Very easy to install. Fast (tested with over 200.000 records) and flexible (you can write your own indexers). Indexes content directly from the databases.
  • T3Blog Extbase (t3extblog)
    by Felix Nagel
    A flexible blog extension powered by Extbase / Fluid which aims to replace t3blog.
  • dreipunktnull Glossar (dpn_glossary)
    by Daniel Dorndorf
    Modern Extbase and namespaced Glossary extension
  • Magnific Popup (jh_magnificpopup)
    by Jonathan Heilmann
    This extension provides the responsive jQuery lightbox plugin Magnific Popup for images in content elements. Opening content like videos, other websites or inline/referenced content is supported within a plugin.
  • Shop System (tt_products)
    by Franz Holzinger
    New versions at Documented in E-Book "Der TYPO3-Webshop" - Shop with listing in multiple languages, with order tracking, photo gallery, DAM, product variants, credit card payment and bank accounts, bill, creditpoint, voucher system and gift certificates.
  • CoolUri (cooluri)
    by Jan Bednarik
    RealURL alternative. Have nice URLs instead of ugly with parameters. CoolUri has user-friendly XML configuration file. For simple setup, just use the one supplied with extension and you are ready to go.
  • Mask (mask)
    by WEBprofil - Gernot Ploiner e.U.
    Create your own content elements and page templates. Easy to use, even without programming skills because of the comfortable drag&drop system. Stored in structured database tables. Style your frontend with Fluid tags. Ideal, if you want to switch from Templavoila.
  • MK Search (mksearch)
    by Michael Wagner, Hannes Bochmann, Rene Nitzsche
    Generic highly adjustable and extendable search engine framework, using Zend Lucene, Apache Solr or ElasticSearch. But support for other search engines can be provided easily.
  • MK A/B Testing (mkabtesting)
    by Hannes Bochmann
    A/B Testing of content elements
  • Powermail Conditions (powermail_cond)
    by Alex Kellner
    Add conditions (via AJAX) to powermail forms for fields and pages
  • owlSlider (owl_slider)
    by comsolit AG
    Responsive carousel slider for TYPO3, Touch enabled based on the jQuery OWL Carousel.
  • comsolit Suggest (comsolit_suggest)
    by Andres Lobacovs, comsolit AG
    This Plugin extends the TYPO3 searchform with an autocomplete and suggest feature of words indexed from Ext:indexed_search based on a ajax request and typeahead lib, simple add just class"typeahead" to your searchbox input field
  • Content element wrap (cewrap)
    by Sven Burkert
    Allows to wrap content elements with individual IDs and / or classes.
  • Body class (bodyclass)
    by Sven Burkert
    Set individual class and / or id attribute for body tag. Automatically inserts page id, parent id or lang id in body tag.
  • Heise Shariff (rx_shariff)
    by Markus Klein
    Shariff implementation for TYPO3 CMS including the backend module, a viewhelper and a plugin.
  • femanager (femanager)
    by femanager dev team
    TYPO3 Frontend User Registration and Management based on Extbase and Fluid and on TYPO3 7.6 and the possibility to extend it. Extension basicly works like sr_feuser_register
  • Adminer (t3adminer)
    by Jigal van Hemert
    Database administration tool Adminer
  • Event management and registration (sf_event_mgt)
    by Torben Hansen
    Configurable event management and registration extension based on ExtBase and Fluid
  • Background image for content elements (backgroundimage4ce)
    by Sven Burkert
    Allows background images and background options for all types of content elements (text, text with image, forms, plugins, ...). Background imagess are adaptive. Supports rendering of content elements with Fluid and css_styled_content.
  • Google Maps API Extbase (go_maps_ext)
    by Marc Hirdes
    Google Maps Extension. Simply insert a google map Version 3 inc. jQuery, calculate a route, images for markers, style maps, KML, categories, responsive and many more.
  • Aimeos web shop (aimeos)
    by Aimeos
    Aimeos is a fast, flexible and usability optimized shop system and e-commerce solution available in multiple languages (also available as TYPO3 distribution). Several plugins e.g. for facetted search, product listing, detail view, basket, checkout process and other parts of a shop are available. Furthermore, Aimeos offers powerful interfaces to integrate CRM and ERP systems as well as payment and delivery service providers
  • Code Snippet CE (fs_code_snippet)
    by Daniel Goerz
    A content element to render code snippet of various programming languages.
  • powermail (powermail)
    by Powermail Development Team
    Powermail is a well-known, editor-friendly, powerful and easy to use mailform extension with a lots of features (spam prevention, marketing information, optin, ajax submit, diagram analysis, etc...)
  • News events (eventnews)
    by Georg Ringer
    Events for news
  • Caretaker (caretaker)
    by Martin Ficzel,Thomas Hempel,Christopher Hlubek,Tobias Liebig
    Server for caretaker observation system
  • Monitoring for TYPO3 installations (t3monitoring)
    by Georg Ringer
  • FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions (js_faq)
    by Jainish Senjaliya
    FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
  • [clickstorm] SEO (cs_seo)
    by Angela Dudtkowski, Marc Hirdes, Andreas Kirilow - clickstorm GmbH
    Enable Features for search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Focuspoint (focuspoint)
    by Tim Lochmüller
    Focuspoint integrate the focal point method to crop images in the frontend of the web page. Use the jQuery-focuspoint plugin ( example to crop the images. Use the function as wizard in the file list view and directly in the content element.
  • MK PHPIDS (mkphpids)
    by Hannes Bochmann
    Currently the PHPIDS detects all sorts of XSS, SQL Injection, header injection, directory traversal, RFE/LFI, DoS and LDAP attacks. Through special conversion algorithms the PHPIDS is even able to detect heavily obfuscated attacks.
  • Fluid Styled Responsive Images (fluid_styled_responsive_images)
    by Alexander Schnitzler
    Enables creation of responsive images for fluid styled content elements.
  • Resize images automatically (image_autoresize)
    by Xavier Perseguers (Causal)
    Simplify the way your editors may upload their images: no complex local procedure needed, let TYPO3 automatically resize down their huge images/pictures on-the-fly during upload (or using a scheduler task for batch processing) and according to your own business rules (directory/groups). This will highly reduce the footprint on your server and speed-up response time if lots of images are rendered (e.g., in a gallery). Features an EXIF/IPTC extractor to ensure metadata may be used by the FAL indexer even if not preserved upon resizing.
  • Frontend User Registration (sf_register)
    by Sebastian Fischer
    Offers the possibility to maintain the fe_user data in frontend by the user self.

Diese Liste stellt nur ein Auswahl interessanter Extensions dar, keine Empfehlung oder Wertung. Die Extensions wurden nicht durch uns entwickelt oder getestet.


TYPO3camp Vienna 2016

Ein Rückblick auf das erste TYPO3camp in Wien, welches vom 6. bis 8. Mai statt fand.


Bilder mit Texten proportional skalieren

In diesem Beitrag wird erklärt, wie Texte, die optisch vor einem Bild platziert wurden, gemeinsam mit dem Bild proportional skaliert werden können.

Responsive Product Comparison Table

Responsive Design und HTML-Tabellen vertragen nicht unbedingt gut, vor allem, wenn viele Daten dargestellt werden müssen. Hier wird am Beispiel einer Produktvergleichstabelle eine Lösung gezeigt.

8 CSS-Tricks, die jeder Webdesigner kennen muss

CSS-Tricks, von denen man zumindest schon mal gehört haben sollte.


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