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TYPO3 News von

September 2020


TYPO3 Newsletter - September 2020

Herzlich willkommen zur neuen Ausgabe des TYPO3 Newsletters. Hier findest Du Neuigkeiten und Interessantes aus dem TYPO3-Universum.

TYPO3 News

Interview with Thomas Löffler: Building Better TYPO3 Eco-system

Welcome to the TYPO3 Interview Series - 3! We have launched the TYPO3 initiative for business executives, professional freelancers, marketers, decision-makers etc. The ultimate goal, Inspiring people to communicate about TYPO3 eco-system by keeping the philosophy of OpenSource.

Workspaces—One of TYPO3’s Most Underused Features

Workspaces is one of TYPO3’s Unique Selling Points, but it is underused and has lacked the necessary developer manpower. Now, you can change this—by using Workspaces and supporting our efforts for TYPO3 v11.

TYPO3 v10 Certification Syllabuses

Exciting news from the TYPO3 Education Committee: the updated syllabuses for all four TYPO3 certifications are out now. Integrators, developers, consultants, and editors can now use these documents to prepare for the upcoming TYPO3 v10 exams, which will become effective in 2021.

Interview with Daniel Homorodean: Building Better TYPO3 Eco-system

Welcome to the TYPO3 Interview Series - 4! We have launched the TYPO3 initiative for business executives, professional freelancers, marketers, decision-makers etc. The ultimate goal, Inspiring people to communicate about TYPO3 eco-system by keeping the philosophy of OpenSource.

TYPO3 Tipps

How CDNs and TYPO3 offer Superior Speed, Uptime, and User Experience

Today’s world is global, and content distribution networks (CDNs) bring content closer to users around the world for lightning-fast performance wherever they are. TYPO3 is ideally adapted to modern CDN technology, reducing the load on your server, and even taking caching off your to-do list!

TYPO3 on AWS - Migration, Maintenance, and Operations

There are six different strategies of cloud migration. However, when migrating TYPO3 to the cloud, only two of them are relevant - 'Rehost' and 'Replatform'. The important question that has to be addressed is whether the infrastructure, which is required for hosting, is essentially being adapted in the cloud or whether a new infrastructure is being planned. Either changes to the application are not made at all (rehost) or they are made only to a small extent (replatform).

Learn TYPO3 Custom Elements with Core Ways

In your journey of TYPO3 development, you may get questions like, How should I develop TYPO3 custom elements? Which are available best practices to make TYPO3 elements in TYPO3 core-ways? How can we make a faster way to develop TYPO3 flexible elements? This article will help you to finalize the approach.

Powerful Content Staging in TYPO3 with Workspaces

If you need to publish or update content in multiple languages at the same time, or involve others to sign off or edit content before publishing, then content staging is the solution you’re looking for. Did you know TYPO3 solves this out of the box with the Workspaces module? You can even share live previews without making people sign into your TYPO3 backend (they don’t need to have backend access at all).

TYPO3 Routing Explained: Enhancers & Aspects

TYPO3 Routing was one of the most-awaited features in the history of TYPO3. Finally, the TYPO3 community developed and released from TYPO3 v9. In this article, I want to guide you (beginners to advanced level) about TYPO3 routing.

Trending: What Is TYPO3 Headless CMS?

“TYPO3 Headless CMS” word started to buzz! The future of CMS is quickly moving away from Traditional to Headless CMS. Are you excited to know about TYPO3 Headless CMS from beginner to intermediate level skills? I’m sure this article will help you.

TYPO3 Extensions

Spracherkennung mit TYPO3



Dieser kleine Nebensatz in einem Workshop oder einer Anforderung lässt uns sofort an eine Spracherkennung denken. Diese gibt es in TYPO3 als verschiedene Extensions, jedoch nicht als eine Version, welche zahlreiche Features unterstützt und modern als PSR-15 Middelware bereitgestellt wird. 

40+ Essential TYPO3 Marketing Extensions

Are you a TYPO3 marketer trying to make the most out of your favorite OpenSource TYPO3 CMS? Recently, one of our readers asked us to recommend the best TYPO3 Extensions for marketers. 

Extension Updates im September

Ein kleine Auswahl von Extensions, die im September neu bzw. in einer aktualisierten Version im TER veröffentlicht wurden (In der Reihenfolge der Veröffentlichung, Stand 01.10.2020):

  • Mask
    mask / stable
    Create your own content elements and page templates. Easy to use, even without programming skills because of the comfortable drag and drop system. Stored in structured database…
  • File Fill
    filefill / stable
    Find and fetch missing local files from different remotes
  • Glossary 2
    glossary2 / stable
    This TYPO3 extension creates a glossary with A-Z links for you
  • Background for content elements
    backgroundimage4ce / stable
    Allows background images and background options for all types of content elements (text, text with image, forms, plugins, ...). Background imagess are adaptive.
  • Content Replacer
    replacer / stable
    Replaces string patterns from the page. You can use it to replace URLs for Content Delivery Network (CDN).
  • FAL Secure Download
    fal_securedownload / stable
    Secure download of assets. Makes it possible to secure FE use of assets/files by setting permissions to folders/files for fe_groups.

Diese Liste stellt nur ein Auswahl interessanter Extensions dar, keine Empfehlung oder Wertung. Die Extensions wurden in der Regel nicht durch uns entwickelt und auch nicht getestet.

Tipp: nicht jede Extension muss 1:1 verwendet werden. Manchmal kann der Code einer Extension aber auch einfach zeigen, wie bestimmte Dinge gemacht werden können ;)


PHPStan und Captain Hook Live Demo - TYPO3 Meetup München

Teilnahme auch Remote möglich.

TYPO3 Usergroup Bodensee 13.10.2020

Das Oktober-Treffen wird wieder als Online-Treffen durchgeführt werden. 

Eine Liste (fast) aller Veranstaltungen findet ihr hier:


Offering Options for mailto: and tel: Links

Can we make :mailto and tel: links a bit more useful? Sure thing!

Essential Cheat Sheet: Convert jQuery to JavaScript

Even though jQuery is still a popular JavaScript library and has a place in web development, native web APIs have evolved a lot in recent years. As modern browsers support a wide range of JavaScript functionalities, we no longer need a third-party library to manipulate the DOM with relative ease. As a result, many frontend developers have decided to move from jQuery to JavaScript to decrease the number of dependencies and thus page load times.

GitHub to replace 'master' with 'main' starting in October

All new Git repositories on GitHub will be named "main" instead of "master" starting October 1, 2020.

Dein Thema für den TYPO3-Newsletter

Wir halten ständig alle Augen und Ohren offen, um gute Links für den Newsletter zu finden. Und doch entgehen uns vielleicht die einen oder anderen interessanten Sachen.

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