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März 2021


TYPO3 Newsletter - März 2021

Herzlich willkommen zur neuen Ausgabe des TYPO3 Newsletters. Hier findest Du Neuigkeiten und Interessantes aus dem TYPO3-Universum.

TYPO3 News

Presentation of the Candidates for Board and BCC Elections

The nomination phase for the upcoming elections to the TYPO3 Association Board and Business Control Committee (BCC) ended a couple of days ago and we’re happy to present the candidates. Thank you to everyone who has agreed to run for office!

TYPO3 General Assembly 2021

Be part of an important moment in the democratic life of the TYPO3 project. The next TYPO3 General Assembly will be held on 13 April, 2021. Due to the Corona situation, this year again the General Assembly will be a full online event.

TYPO3 Talk with Rachel : TYPO3 Association Board Member

Welcome to the TYPO3 Interview Series - 16!

We have Rachel Foucard with us this week for interesting TYPO3 Talk! Rachel is TYPO3 Association Board member, TYPO3France committee leader, and CTO at wseils.

TYPO3 talk with Rachel is interesting, so grab the cup of coffee to explore Rachels's insights about her views, history and potential of TYPO3 and open-source community, and how we can build a better TYPO3 Eco-system together!

We Want You as Core Merger in 2021

Every year we are re-evaluating the Core Mergers positions, and open up for new people to join the efforts of driving TYPO3 Core's development further. And 2021 could be your year to join?

How Well Do You Know About TYPO3 Association?

TYPO3 CMS! The brand and community we love! Are you a true TYPO3 fanatic? Examine your TYPO3 awareness about the TYPO3 Association test. How much do you know about it?

TYPO3 Wiki (2004–2021)—Long Live the Documentation

The TYPO3 Documentation Team is continuously working on improving the TYPO3 documentation—keeping it up to date, finding new and better ways to document and—equally important—removing outdated information.

When this years’ budget application process started, a special interest group was formed to integrate the wiki information that was still used and to disable and remove the wiki in favour of the official documentation. The members of the TYPO3 association decided to grant us that budget and we started our work.

The TYPO3 Comparison Cards are Here!

In 2020—we, as the Marketing Team—decided and announced that we wanted to focus on creating a variety of fact and figure-based materials, which should help agencies sell TYPO3 better. Our biggest project was to create the Comparison Cards, comparing TYPO3 to the most popular alternatives on the market.

TYPO3 Tipps

Why developing locally matters

Warum eine lokale Entwicklungsumgebung sinnvoll ist. Gastartikel von Benni Mack, Teil 1.

Free TYPO3 CDN Extensions to Speed Up Your Site!

Are you looking to make lightning faster at the speed of your TYPO3 site (as well as security)? You should consider TYPO3 CDN integration like Cloudflare, Akamai, custom CDN, etc.; In this blog post, I’m going to share the most popular TYPO3 CDN extensions - easy to install & use.

Why your local dev environment should match production

Warum eine lokale Entwicklungsumgebung sinnvoll ist. Gastartikel von Benni Mack, Teil 2.

Flexibly control which TYPO3 form finisher to run

The TYPO3 form framework offers many possibilities and is easy to extend. Here I present a simple way how an individual finisher can influence the following.

How to Use TYPO3 Fluid? (Basic to Advanced Guide)

TYPO3 Fluid - A fast & secure template engine of TYPO3 CMS. No matter, if you are a TYPO3 developer or TYPO3 integrator; You must have expertise in TYPO3 fluid. Are you looking for essential advanced level TYPO3 Fluid skills? You landed at the right place; here we go!

Custom fields in the TYPO3 Form Editor

A new CSS class in the form template — added with a custom select field in the TYPO3 backend. Implementation with a few lines of YAML configuration.

Episode 4: Multi-Factor Authentication Explained

You may have already heard about multi-factor authentication (MFA), which is sometimes also referenced as 2FA—two-factor authentication. The idea is having multiple—additional—factors for authentication. So, not longer only the common username + password combination. While this idea is not new, the initial RFC dates back to December 2005, it took some time until systems were implementing the specification. TYPO3 now joins in by introducing MFA with version 11.1, even though extensions exist providing specific MFA solutions for prior TYPO3 releases.

How to Manage Cron Jobs with TYPO3 Scheduler?

Are you looking to get knowledge of the TYPO3 scheduler? You landed at the right place; In this blog post, you will find beginner to advanced level skills on TYPO3 Scheduler tasks, Symfony console commands, and TYPO3 cron jobs, etc.

TypoScript outside of Frontend context

TypoScript by concept is meant for frontend context only. There is TSconfig for backend as well. Extbase introduced a way to also configure backend modules via TypoScript. Nowadays TypoScript is also used in other context, e.g. scheduler tasks or commands.

I'll explain how the actual TypoScript is loaded, so you understand that part and can use it.

Optimize your daily workflow with the TYPO3 dashboard

Today we want to take a look at one of the most underrated features in TYPO3: the dashboard. By default, it’s the entry point of every TYPO3 installation and displays important information bundled in one view. Dashboard widgets are not information-only but can be interactive. For example, they can contain links letting you navigate directly to a specific backend module.

TYPO3 Extensions


Die Extension "reserve" bietet die Möglichkeit, für Besuche in zum Beispiel Zoos, Bibliotheken, Ladengeschäften und vielem mehr, Zeitfenster zu reservieren.

Der Besucher kann für sich und ggf. weitere Personen ein Ticket reservieren und erhält anschließend per Mail einen oder mehrere QR-Codes. Diese Codes können dann durch Mitarbeiter der Veranstaltung bzw. der Einrichtung beim Eintritt gescannt werden.

Die Extension wurde während des ersten Lockdowns der Corona-Pandemie entwickelt, um die Zugriffssteuerung in einem Wildpark zu regeln, steht inzwischen aber öffentlich im TYPO3 Extension Repository zur Verfügung.

In 8 Videos zeigen wir, was die Extension kann und wie man sie installiert und konfiguriert.

Extension Updates im März

Ein kleine Auswahl von Extensions, die im März neu bzw. in einer aktualisierten Version im TER veröffentlicht wurden (In der Reihenfolge der Veröffentlichung, Stand 31.03.2021):

  • Amazon AWS S3 FAL driver (CDN)
    aus_driver_amazon_s3 / stable

    Provides a FAL driver for the Amazon Web Service S3.

  • Language Detection
    language_detection / stable

    Modern language detection middleware for TYPO3. Based on PSR-14 & PSR-15.

  • Content Defender
    content_defender / stable

    Define allowed or denied content element types in your backend layouts

  • Video shariff
    video_shariff / stable

    This extension provides more privacy when embedding videos in frontend.

  • Embedding vocabulary
    schema / stable

    API and view helpers for markup

  • Form: Linked checkbox element
    form_element_linked_checkbox / stable

    Adds a new form element which allows the editor to create a checkbox with a linked label text.

  • Session Planer
    sessionplaner / stable

    Plan and display sessions for bar camp like events

  • Interactive Park Planner
    int_park / beta

    Interactive Park Planner is a TYPO3 extension which is using leaflet library to place and show markers with its description on an image.

  • Container Content Elements
    container / stable

    Create Custom Container Content Elements for TYPO3

  • Disk Usage
    diskusage / stable

    Extension to visualize disk usage of TYPO3 storages

  • Speaking URL fragments (anchors)
    content_slug / stable

    Adds a slug field for human-readable anchors ("") to TYPO3 content elements. By default, this anchor is rendered as the header's id attribute.

  • Translate
    translate_locallang / stable

    Editor for locallang.xlf files

Diese Liste stellt nur ein Auswahl interessanter Extensions dar, keine Empfehlung oder Wertung. Die Extensions wurden in der Regel nicht durch uns entwickelt und auch nicht getestet.

Tipp: nicht jede Extension muss 1:1 verwendet werden. Manchmal kann der Code einer Extension aber auch einfach zeigen, wie bestimmte Dinge gemacht werden können ;)


TYPO3 Meetup München

Das nächste Online-Treffen findet am 6. April statt.

Treffen der TYPO3 User Group Dresden

Das nächste Online-Treffen findet am 13. April statt.

TYPO3 Usergroup Bodensee

Das nächste Online-Treffen findet ebenfalls am 13.04. statt.

TYPO3 Online Days - The online event series around TYPO3 in 2021 Meet. Discuss. Learn.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing, it’s a shame that we cannot meet in person. It's all about health first. Therefore, the provisional TYPO3 Event Committee decided not to realize on-location events this year. Against that background, the TYPO3 Developer Days and the TYPO3 Conference incl. the TYPO3 Award Show had to be postponed to 2022. Instead of having physical events, we work on a virtual online event series - the TYPO3 Online Days 2021.

Eine Liste (fast) aller Veranstaltungen findet ihr hier:

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