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März 2020


TYPO3 Newsletter - März 2020

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TYPO3 News

TYPO3 9.5.15 and 8.7.32 maintenance releases published - Goodbye v8 - you've served us well!

The versions 9.5.15 and 8.7.32 of the TYPO3 Enterprise Content Management System have just been released. Both versions are maintenance releases only.

Today also marks the last official public release of TYPO3 v8 LTS.

Advice: No Physical TYPO3 Association Meetings Until Further Notice

Due to the Covid-19 (Corona) virus crisis, the TYPO3 Association Board advises the organization’s officials and team leaders to stop physical meetings in the Association’s name until further notice.

Report: Google CMS Security Summit 2020 in Munich

The CMS Security Summit is an annual, invitation-only event organized by Google, where CMS Security team leads share knowledge with industry colleagues to make CMS systems and the web more secure.

Structured Content Initiative - What Happened in February?

The Structured Content Initiative is the core Strategic Initiative focused on improving the content editing user experience in TYPO3 CMS. Read our last update to learn more about what we’ve been working on. 

Get Prepared for TYPO3 v10 - Before It’s Release

Are you also excited to know what’s new & why TYPO3 v10 is so special? We would like to share detailed insight with all new features for TYPO3 editors, administrators, integrators and developers.

We are going to write down a three blog series for everyone who loves TYPO3. You will get all the blogs before the final release, Subscribe us to make sure to read them :)

But, for now, in this blog, we would like to let you know some cool things before releasing TYPO3 v10 LTS. It’s time to celebrate the achievement of the milestone, appreciate and thanksgiving to the awesome TYPO3 community.

Artikel vorgeschlagen von: Sanjay Chauhan

TYPO3 Tipps

Caching in TYPO3 - Part 1

TYPO3 is known for its powerful and flexible caching mechanism. Understanding the basic concepts allows you to build faster websites that drive customer retention—visitors quickly go elsewhere if you make them wait.

How to Create Custom Content Elements in TYPO3

A webpage produced by TYPO3 consists of various pieces of content, contained in semantic containers, called “Content Elements” in TYPO3 parlance. Content elements contain a given set of information—a header, text, and an image for example. This set of information is called a “Content Type.” Content elements and content types can be re-used or re-ordered, have their output visibility determined by some business logic, sent for translation, and much more. For us, the fact that we (and you!) can build our own blocks is one of the unique selling points (USPs) that sets TYPO3 apart from other CMSs in power and flexibility.

TYPO3 Route Enhancer: URL-Segmente unter Kontrolle

In Projekten bis TYPO3 8 konnten z.B. per RealUrl oder CoolURI einzelne Seiten aus der URL-Generierung ausgeschlossen werden. Dies war insbesondere für List/Detail-Ansichten spannend, wenn sich die Inhalte oder Seiteneigenschaften von Listen- und Detail-Seiten auch außerhalb des Plugins unterschieden haben.

Mit TYPO3 9LTS hat sich das URL-Routing-Konzept geändert (deutlich zum besseren!) und es ist nicht mehr ohne weiteres möglich, einzelne Seiten aus dem URL-Segment auszunehmen. Ein eigener Route Enhancer löst dieses Problem.

Tutorial: Get a Local TYPO3 v10 Installation With No Effort!

This week, I’m going to show you how to set up the TYPO3 v10 dev version on your own computers, and download and apply the latest patches. Next week, come back and I’ll show you how to download, apply, and test patches with Gerrit and report any bugs you find.

Hidden TYPO3 gem EXT:feedit

TYPO3 has hidden gems. One of them is the system extension feedit which adds frontend editing to TYPO3. It adds some options to the admin panel in TYPO3 frontend, and allows integrators to add more fine grained edit experience right into the content.

This post will cover most of the provided features, with screenshots and how to configure the extension. I'll also explain why I prefer the approach of EXT:feedit over extensions like EXT:frontend_editing.

Die TYPO3 PageTitle API

Die Generierung eines title Tags ist für die Auffindbarkeit in den Suchmaschinen ein wichtiger Baustein. Mit einem Content Management System wie TYPO3 ist eine konsistente Generierung von Seitentitel gut sicherzustellen. Seit der Version 9LTS bringt TYPO3 eine eigene PageTitle API mit, mit der sich die Seitentitel sehr komfortabel generieren lassen. 

10 Spotlights for Editors in TYPO3 v10: Series 2

TYPO3 v10 has introduced many new features as well as improvements to existing features.

For now, Let’s checkout one-by-one major features that will help TYPO3 editors as follows.

Artikel vorgeschlagen von: Sanjay Chauhan

7 Highlights for Administrators in TYPO3 v10: Series 3

TYPO3 v10 has introduced some of the new features as well as improvements to existing features.

For now, Let’s checkout one-by-one major features that will help TYPO3 administrator as follows.

Artikel vorgeschlagen von: Sanjay Chauhan

21 Limelights in TYPO3 v10 for Integrators: Series 4

TYPO3 v10 has introduced some of the new features as well as improvements to existing features.

For now,filet’s checkout one-by-one major features that will help TYPO3 Integrator as follows.

Artikel vorgeschlagen von: Sanjay Chauhan

TYPO3 Extensions

Release of TYPO3 extension "Speaking URL fragments" (EXT:content_slug)

URL fragments ("")–often referred to as "anchors" or "jump links"–are a handy feature for directly navigating a specific section of a web page.

Backend Login Images

belogin_images / stable 
Display random Background Images from different sources at your TYPO3 BackendLogin Page.

Endlich einen schniken TYPO3 Login screen... Auch mit TYPO3 10 ;)

Link vorgeschlagen von: Sven Jürgens

Extension Updates im März

Ein kleine Auswahl von Extensions, die im März neu bzw. in einer aktualisierten Version im TER veröffentlicht wurden (In der Reihenfolge der Veröffentlichung, Stand 31.03.2020):

  • [NITSAN] Instagram Plugin
    ns_instagram / stable
    Plugin to display gallery, feeds and phototile with clean, customizable and responsive feeds from multiple Instagram accounts
  • JW tools
    jwtools2 / stable
    Jwtools2 contains a scheduler task for Solr to index multiple Pagetrees and a task to execute SQL-Queries. Further there are settings to enable some features in TYPO3 like showing…
  • Resize images automatically
    image_autoresize / stable
    Simplify the way your editors may upload their images: no complex local procedure needed, let TYPO3 automatically resize down their huge images/pictures on-the-fly during upload…
  • Event management and registration
    sf_event_mgt / stable
    Configurable event management and registration extension based on ExtBase and Fluid
  • File Fill
    filefill / stable
    Find and fetch missing local files from different remotes
  • Deepl Translate
    wv_deepltranslate / stable
    Fork of deepltranslate from pitsolutions.This extension provides option to translate content element, and tca record texts to Deepl and Google supported languages.
  • External Data Import
    external_import / stable
    Tool for importing data from external sources into the TYPO3 CMS database, using an extended TCA syntax. Provides a BE module, a Scheduler task, a command-line tool and an API.
  • Plupload for FE
    pluploadfe / stable
    Provides an API and a FE plugin for using plupload, a highly usable and advanced upload handler.
  • Generic Gallery
    generic_gallery / stable
    One gallery to rule them all. Extbase & Fluid driven for use with any gallery / slide / rotate plugin.
  • Site generator / tree model duplicator
    site_generator / stable
    Site generator wizard used to generate mini-website or duplicate tree model, it will automatically create associated BE/FE groups, create directories with associated files mount,…
  • JW Auth
    jwauth / stable
    Login to TYPO3 backend with your static IP address
  • Maps2
    maps2 / stable
    Create maps with Marker, Area, Routes or Radius based on Google Maps or OpenStreetMap
  • Deployer Information
    deployer_information / stable
    Show information about last deployment in system information toolbar
  • Seminar Manager
    seminars / stable
    Allows you to create and manage a list of seminars, workshops, lectures, theater performances and other events, allowing front-end users to sign up. FE users also can create and…
  • TYPO3 Console
    typo3_console / stable
    A reliable and powerful command line interface for TYPO3 CMS
  • luxletter - TYPO3 Email Marketing Newsletter Tool
    luxletter / stable
    Free newsletter extension for TYPO3 for an individual email marketing. A lot of analytics and modern concepts. Works with and without EXT:lux.
  • powermail
    powermail / stable
    Powermail is a well-known, editor-friendly, powerful and easy to use mailform extension with a lots of features (spam prevention, marketing information, optin, ajax submit, diagram…

Diese Liste stellt nur ein Auswahl interessanter Extensions dar, keine Empfehlung oder Wertung. Die Extensions wurden in der Regel nicht durch uns entwickelt und auch nicht getestet.

Tipp: nicht jede Extension muss 1:1 verwendet werden. Manchmal kann der Code einer Extension aber auch einfach zeigen, wie bestimmte Dinge gemacht werden können ;)


TYPO3 10 LTS Release Parties abgesagt - aber es gibt Alternativen

Die meisten als Offline-Event geplanten TYPO3 10 Release-Parties wurden inzwischen natürlich abgesagt. Aber es gibt Online-Alternativen. Eine Liste findet ihr hier.

Eine Liste (fast) aller Veranstaltungen findet ihr hier:


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