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März 2016


TYPO3 Newsletter - März 2016

Herzlich willkommen zur neuen Ausgabe des TYPO3 Newsletters. Hier findest Du Neuigkeiten und Interessantes aus dem TYPO3-Universum.

TYPO3 News

TYPO3 CMS 8 Roadmap

Pünktlich am 22.3. erschien TYPO3 8.0, das erste Sprint-Release der kommenden LTS-Version. Auf findet ihr die aktuelle Roadmap mit den geplanten künftigen Releases.

Bericht vom Codesprint in Karlsruhe

Vom 3. bis 6. März fand in Karlsruhe ein Codesprint zur Vorbereitung der (inzwischen veröffentlichten) TYPO3-Version 8.0 statt. Hier findet ihr einen Bericht dazu.

“Miles ahead” – TYPO3 V8 Development started

Interview mit Mathias Schreiber und Benni Mack über die kommende TYPO3 LTS-Version 8.

TYPO3 Tipps

3 + 1 Solutions for Responsive Images on TYPO3 Websites

Responsive Images in TYPO3 sind ein oft behandeltes Thema. In diesem Artikel werden mehrere Lösungsmöglichkeiten vorgestellt.

TYPO3 Docker Boilerplate

Virtualisierung ist eine gerne genutztes Mittel zur lokalen Entwicklung. Docker-Anwender finden hier die Möglichkeit, in wenigen Minuten eine TYPO3-Entwicklungsumgebung aufzusetzen.

Alternativen für die Extension phpMyAdmin

Die Extension phpMyAdmin ist nützlich, wenn man während der Entwicklung eines TYPO3-Projekts mal in die Datenbank schauen oder dort Änderungen vornehmen muss. Leider fällt diese Extension immer wieder durch Sicherheitslücken auf. In diesem Artikel werden einige Alternativen gezeigt.

TYPO3 Extensions

Unroll TYPO3 save buttons

Diejenigen, die sich mit den neuen Save-Buttons in TYPO3 7 nicht anfreunden können, sollten man einen Blick auf diese Extension werfen ;)

Extension Updates im März

Ein kleine Auswahl von Extensions, die im März neu bzw. in einer aktualisierten Version im TER veröffentlicht wurden (In der Reihenfolge der Veröffentlichung):

  • Direct Mail Subscription
    by Ivan Kartolo
    Adds a plugin for subscription to direct mail newsletters (collecting subscriptions in the tt_address table)
  • News events
    by Georg Ringer
    Events for news
  • Mask
    by TYPO3.experten Team
    Create your own content elements and page templates.
  • Calendar for news
    by Charles Brunet
    Display news as calendar of the month.
  • Pagecollector
    by Joerg Kummer
    Visitors can collect pages and add them to their own favorit-list like a basket in a shop. Inclusiv delete and sort functions.
  • Formhandler
    by Dev-Team Typoheads
    The swiss army knife for all kinds of mailforms, completely new written using the MVC concept.
  • Heise Shariff
    by Markus Klein
    Shariff implementation for TYPO3 CMS including the backend module, a viewhelper and a plugin.
  • MetaSEO Enhancements
    by Markus Blaschke
    Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Indexed Google-Sitemap (TXT- and XML-Sitemap) for all Extensions (pibase, extbase), Metatags, Canonical-URL, Pagetitle manipulations, Crawler verification, Piwik and Google Analytics support and some more... multi-language- and multi-tree-support.
  • News slider
    by Helmut Hackbarth
    jQuery slider-plugins for versatile news extension (tx_news).
  • FAL Secure Download
    by Frans Saris
    Secure download of assets. Makes it possible to secure FE use of assets/files by setting permissions to folders/files for fe_groups.
  • femanager
    by femanager dev team
    TYPO3 Frontend User Registration and Management based on Extbase and Fluid and on TYPO3 7.6 and the possibility to extend it. Extension basicly works like sr_feuser_register.
  • Language Selection
    by Stanislas Rolland
    A plugin to display a list of languages to select from. Clicking on a language links to the corresponding version of the page.
  • News system
    by Georg Ringer
    Versatile news extension, based on extbase & fluid. Editor friendly, default integration of social sharing and many other features.
  • AJAX Social Network Components
    by Gisele Wendl
    AJAX-based commenting, review, rating and sharing system (jQuery) for TYPO3 4.3 to 7.x. Comments or reviews can have webpage previews, pictures and pdfs attached.
  • Shop System
    by Franz Holzinger
    Shop with listing in multiple languages, with order tracking, photo gallery, DAM, product variants, credit card payment and bank accounts, bill, creditpoint, voucher system and gift certificates. Latest updates at
  • Markdown content element
    by Michiel Roos
    Markdown content element. Write your content in Markdown.
  • comsolit Suggest
    by Andres Lobacovs, comsolit AG
    This Plugin extends the TYPO3 searchform with an autocomplete and suggest feature of words indexed from Ext:indexed_search based on a ajax request and typeahead lib, simple add just class="typeahead" to your searchbox input field.
  • Developer tools
    by Nicole Cordes
    Adds nice developer tools to your TYPO3 installation
  • dreipunktnull Glossar
    by Daniel Dorndorf
    Modern Extbase and namespaced Glossary extension
  • Localization Manager
    Module for managing localization import and export.
  • Speaking URLs for TYPO3
    by Dmitry Dulepov
    Makes TYPO3 URLs search engine friendly.
  • DISQUS Comments Extbase
    by Kevin Lieser
    Extbase version of DISQUS Comments. Provides DISQUS Comment Services to TYPO3 tt_content.
  • Site Crawler crawler
    Libraries and scripts for crawling the TYPO3 page tree. Used for re-caching, re-indexing, publishing applications etc.
  • Code Snippet CE
    by Daniel Goerz
    A content element to render code snippet of various programming languages.
  • OpenStreetMap
    by Robert Heel
    Add an interactive OpenStreetMap map to your website. Can also show other OpenLayers compatible maps.
  • Social auth
    by VANCLOOSTER Mickael
    Authentification via social auth (Facebook, Twitter, Google + & LinkedIn).
  • Google sitemap
    by Dmitry Dulepov
    High performance Google sitemap implementation that avoids typical errors by other similar extensions.
  • Faceted Search
    by Christian Buelter (team.inmedias)
    Faceted fulltext search for TYPO3. Fast, flexible and easy to use. Very easy to install.
  • Media management
    by Fabien Udriot
    Media management system for TYPO3 CMS.
  • Community
    by Tymoteusz Motylewski
    A flexible community / social network system based on Extbase and Fluid. Friends (buddies), messages, user profile, wall, gallery, notification service, and a lot more.
  • Layerslider
    by Manfred Rutschmann
    Manage Sliders with layers and show the Sliders on your website.
  • Static File Cache
    by Static File Cache team
    Transparent static file cache solution using mod_rewrite and mod_expires. Increase response times for static pages by a factor of 230!!
  • Scheduler Timeline
    Logs information about scheduler task execution and displays them in a graphical timeline.
  • Dynamic Content Elements (DCE)
    by Armin Ruediger Vieweg
    DCE is an extension for the CMS TYPO3, which creates easily and fast dynamic content elements. It is an alternative to flexible content elements (FCE) but without need of TemplaVoila (TV). Based on Extbase and Fluid.
  • Direct Mail Subscribe
    by Björn Fromme
    Provides a frontend plugin to un-/subscribe to direct_mail newsletters.
  • powermail
    by Powermail Development Team
    Powermail is a well-known, editor-friendly, powerful and easy to use mailform extension with a lots of features (spam prevention, marketing information, optin, ajax submit, diagram analysis, etc...).
  • timed usergroups
    by Bernd Wilke
    Enable timed membership to usergroups for FE-user.
  • List frontend users(fe_users) in FE
    by Lebrija invest s.r.o.
    Three frontend plugins to generate list of frontend users (fe_users). Display list of users. Display logged user. Display map of users.
  • Sphinx Documentation Viewer Plugin
    by Xavier Perseguers (Causal)
    Seamlessly embeds Sphinx/reStructuredText-based documentation into your TYPO3 website.

Diese Liste stellt nur ein Auswahl interessanter Extensions dar, keine Empfehlung oder Wertung. Die Extensions wurden nicht durch uns entwickelt oder getestet.


T3CON 2016

Die diesjährige TYPO3 Konferenz wird vom 26. bis 27. Oktober in München statt finden. Tickets gibt es schon, und auch Sprecher werden noch gesucht.

Jahreshauptversammlung der TYPO3 Association

Am 6. April findet im Unperfekthaus in Essen die Jahreshauptversammlung der TYPO3 Association statt. Alle Mitglieder können dann hier auch über das Konzept "TYPO3 Inc." abstimmen.

TYPO3 #CertiFUNcation Day 2016

Nach dem Erfolg im vergangenen Jahr findet auch dieses Jahr wieder der TYPO3 #CertiFUNcation Day statt. Am 3. Juni trifft man sich im Phantasialand in Brühl.


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