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TYPO3 News von

Juli 2017


TYPO3 Newsletter - Juli 2017

Herzlich willkommen zur neuen Ausgabe des TYPO3 Newsletters. Hier findest Du Neuigkeiten und Interessantes aus dem TYPO3-Universum.

TYPO3 News

Get ready for the TYPO3 CMS Certified Editor Exam

Do you want to make your TYPO3 editor skills official? Then demonstrate your abilities and become a TYPO3 CMS Certified Editor! It’s one of’s official exams and shows that you have the relevant abilities to be an editor in TYPO3. If you are interested in doing this exam read on to find out more about this certification and ways to study for it.

TeamWFP richtet TYPO3 Codesprint aus

Ein 17-köpfiges Team war über das Pfingstwochenende bei TeamWFP in Mönchengladbach zu Gast und hat an der Usability und User Experience des TYPO3-Backends gearbeitet.

Testing TYPO3’s Core - Part II: On Hardware & Dockers

Teil 2 der Blogartikelserie der TYPO3 GmbH über das Testen des TYPO3-Kerns während der Entwicklung.

What’s new for TYPO3 Editors and in the TYPO3 World

A short overview about all editor relevant changes in TYPO3 8.x and some news (Slideshare).

Pros & cons of open-source software at the enterprise level

When researching your next business software solution, bear in mind the following pros and cons of utilizing open-source software in your business

Mission possible: Zusammenfassung zur TYPO3 QSA in Malmö, Schweden

CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), quality = 82

In ihrer ehrenamtlichen Arbeit für die TYPO3 Association kommen die Mitglieder des Boards, des Business Control Committees (BCC) und des Expert Advisory Boards (EAB) bislang dreimal jährlich zu einem zweitägigen Meeting zusammen, um über die weiteren Projekte und künftigen Entwicklungen zu diskutieren.

TYPO3 auf YouTube

Kennt ihr schon den offiziellen YouTube-Channel von TYPO3? Den gibts es schon länger, allerdings war es in den letzten Monaten dort etwas ruhiger geworden. Das scheint sich mit neuen Videos jetzt zu ändern.

TYPO3 Tipps

Hook-Implementierung für Linkhandler

Konfiguration des Linkhandlers, damit Redakteure auf selbst programmierte Datensätze verlinken können.

TYPO3 CKEditor for integrators

TYPO3 8LTS comes now with the CKEditor. What changed and how can I migrate from my old config to the new YAML based presets? (Slideshare)

Language Handling in TYPO3 – Part 2: Frontend

The second part of the language handling series of TYPO3 is about the configuration of the frontend.

TypoScript explained: Optionsplit

The “optionsplit” within TypoScript is a very powerful feature to manipulate the output of repeating elements. This is especially helpful, if you do not know how many elements will be there.

Responsive Images with TYPO3 8.7

Wie man verschiedene Techniken für "Responsive images" in TYPO3 8 LTS einsetzen kann.

Signals and Slots – Extend TYPO3 Functionality

Signals and slots are a possibility within TYPO3 to extend the functionality of an object. In this article the theoretical basics and practical details are explained.

TYPO3 Extensions

Extension Updates im Mai

Ein kleine Auswahl von Extensions, die im Juli neu bzw. in einer aktualisierten Version im TER veröffentlicht wurden (In der Reihenfolge der Veröffentlichung, Stand 31.07.2017):

  • TYPO3 Blog Extension
    by TYPO3 GmbH
    This blog extension use TYPO3s core concepts and elements to provide a full-blown blog that users of TYPO3 can instantly understand and use.
  • Social auth
    by VANCLOOSTER Mickael
    Authentification via social auth (Facebook, Twitter, Google & LinkedIn)
  • TemplaVoil Plus
    by Alexander Opitz
    Point-and-click, popular and easy template engine for TYPO3. Replacement for old TemplaVoila.
  • Fluid-FPDF
    by Thomas Deuling
    This extension provides you a complete set of ViewHelpers for dealing with FPDF by using Fluid. You can use the ViewHelpers easily in own Extensions just by defining the fpdf-Namespace. Additionally youre able to use the build in plugin, for displaying predefined PDF. This plugin offers you automatically all available PDFs.
  • CKEditor Fontawesome Add-On
    by Dirk Persky
    Adds the Fontawesome add-on to the CKEditor in TYPO3.
  • Enhanced TYPO3 save buttons
    by Markus Klein, Armin Vieweg
    Adds options to TYPO3s save buttons, to unroll them from dropdown, just display icons and changing the order.
  • Backend Gravatar
    by Frans Saris
    AvatarProvider for Gravatar support in backend.
  • Resize images automatically
    by Xavier Perseguers (Causal)
    Simplify the way your editors may upload their images: no complex local procedure needed, let TYPO3 automatically resize down their huge images/pictures on-the-fly during upload (or using a scheduler task for batch processing) and according to your own business rules (directory/groups). This will highly reduce the footprint on your server and speed-up response time if lots of images are rendered (e.g., in a gallery). Features an EXIF/IPTC extractor to ensure metadata may be used by the FAL indexer even if not preserved upon resizing.
  • Extended System News
    by Frank Nägler
    Display sys_news as flash messages in the BE, useful for release announcements.
  • Infinite Scrolling
    by Stefan Froemken
    With this extension you can read nearly every paginator and realize infinite scrolling
  • Cart
    by Daniel Lorenz
    Shopping Cart(s) for TYPO3
  • Powermail Conditions
    by Alex Kellner
    Add conditions (via AJAX) to powermail forms for fields and pages
  • Error 404 page
    by R3 H6
    Use TYPO3 pages for display 404 errors. Optional error 403 redirect handling. Works for multi domain and multilingual installations.
  • Make BE user password really secure
    by Thomas Loeffler
    You can set password conventions to force secure passwords for BE users.
  • fancyBox content
    by Raphael Zschorsch
    Inserts a fancybox plugin for content
  • [clickstorm] SEO
    by Angela Dudtkowski, Marc Hirdes, Andreas Kirilow - clickstorm GmbH
    SEO Extension: Enables important on-page features for search engine optimization (SEO). Expands the page settings and any existing records, e.g. with a preview for Google search results (SERP), Open Graph, Twitter Cards and a Focus Keyword. Sitemap.xml and robots.txt handling. Support for Session Tracking (Google Analytics or Piwik) and href="lang" tags. Further features are shown in the extension manual.

Diese Liste stellt nur ein Auswahl interessanter Extensions dar, keine Empfehlung oder Wertung. Die Extensions wurden nicht durch uns entwickelt oder getestet.


TYPO3 Developer Days 2017 - Ein Rückblick

Rückblick auf die TYPO3 Developer Days in Malmö, Schweden, vom Team

TYPO3 Developer Days: Links zu den Slides

Links zu den Slides und Präsentationen der Vorträge auf den TYPO3 Developer Days 2017.

TYPO3camp München

Vom 8.-10.9. findet zum 10. Mal das TYPO3camp München statt.

Es gibt nur noch wenige Tickets!

TYPO3camp Hamburg

Nach einer Pause findet dieses Jahr vom 29.9.-01.10. wieder das TYPO3camp Hamburg statt.

TYPO3camp RheinRuhr

Vom 3.-5.11. findet das TYPO3camp RheinRuhr in Essen statt. Der Ticketverkauf startet in den nächsten Tagen.


Sehr nützliche Seite: zeigt für den aktuell verwendeten Browser an, wie man ganz schnell den Cache leeren kann.

Progressively Enhancing CSS Layout: From Floats To Flexbox To Grid

CSS Grids sind der neue "heisse Scheiss" zum Thema CSS-Layouts im Webdesign. Auch die Browserunterstützung wird immer besser.


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