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TYPO3 News von
Dezember 2020
TYPO3 Newsletter - Dezember 2020
Herzlich willkommen zur neuen Ausgabe des TYPO3 Newsletters. Hier findest Du Neuigkeiten und Interessantes aus dem TYPO3-Universum.
Erst einmal wünscht dir das gesamte Team von ein gutes, erfolgreiches, friedliches und gesundes neues Jahr 2021!
Dieser Dezember-Newsletter kommt ein wenig verspätet, das liegt aber einfach daran, dass zwischen Weihnachten und Silvester wahrscheinlich die meisten unserer Leser im Urlaub waren. Aber das macht nichts, auch "zwischen den Jahren" hat sich das eine oder andere rund um unser Lieblings-CMS getan.
Buckle up and get ready for an exciting journey! Today, we launched TYPO3 version 11.0. This release is the first of five planned sprint releases of the TYPO3 v11 series, and an important first step toward the next LTS (long-term support) version in 2021. Read on to learn more about the release and our flight plan. You won’t be disappointed.
The TYPO3 Extension Repository (TER) contains a list of all publicly available TYPO3 extensions, registered or uploaded by TYPO3 users. TYPO3 Extensions have been around since TYPO3 v3.5 and are the backbone of TYPO3 flexibility. It’s been a long time in the making, but today, we’re excited to share the next steps for the TER.
I am delighted to announce the launch of a brand-new website explaining TYPO3, and showing some of the amazing features it offers. The site gives you, your potential clients and people interested in TYPO3 the chance to take a look at the CMS we all build and love.
Die TYPO3 Association kündigt einen umfassenden Einsteigerleitfaden für Web-Publishing mit TYPO3 an. Der vom New Yorker Verlag Apress herausgegebene Leitfaden soll die internationale Verbreitung des Open-Source-Systems Enterprise Content Management vorantreiben.
Welcome to Application, the TYPO3 Community Podcast! This is where we celebrate the TYPO3 community, sharing your stories, talking about your projects, and the difference you make in ... around ... and with TYPO3 CMS.
This week we're honoured with interview from Benni Mack, our very own Project Lead of TYPO3 Core development and one of the driving forces behind the TYPO3 renaissance from last years.
TYPO3 is a global phenomenon that has come a long way since the release of the first version in 2003. The community has grown considerably, and that growth doesn't seem to be slowing down.
When we look back we see TYPO3 has achieved tremendous growth for years. Today TYPO3 is now one of the most dominant CMS on the market.
Let’s recall what TYPO3 CMS & TYPO3 Community has achieved and planned through the years.
This week we're honoured with interview from Georg Ringer, our very own Project Lead of TYPO3 Core development and one of the driving forces behind the TYPO3 renaissance from last years.
Are you excited to know who the top active TYPO3 bloggers are (at 2020)? TYPO3 content writers help and guide the TYPO3 community with their motto “Inspire people to share”. Here, I want to share a list of 10 TYPO3 bloggers who are techies & leaders.
Mit Xdebug 3 wurde Ende November 2020 eine stark verbesserte Version des beliebten Debugging-Tools für PHP veröffentlicht. Erfahre hier, wie du Xdebug installierst und für dein Web-Projekt in deiner Entwicklungsumgebung anwenden kannst. Als Beispiel-IDE (Integrated Development Environment) nutzen wir PhpStorm und als PHP-Applikation eine TYPO3-Seite.
One of the big pain points when it comes to TYPO3 major updates are extensions. If the extension stack contains unmaintained / unsupported extensions, updating can really be hard, since existing functionality needs to be replaced and existing data needs to be migrated.
TYPO3 ermöglicht es, eigene Seitentypen zu erstellen und unseren Redakteuren zur Verfügung zu stellen. In diesem Artikel stelle ich vor, wofür man das verwenden kann, wann es praktisch ist und wann eher nicht und wie es funktioniert.
There are significant benefits of building and maintaining your own Docker-based dev environment, but I think you’ll have more free time if you use ours!
Wishing to get TYPO3 Certified to add a golden feather to your career? Are you a TYPO3 developer and dream to be a TYPO3 certified developer? My friend, you’ve got the right guide to help you with TCCD Certifications? Let’s do it together.
Eine XML-Sitemap kann für die Suchmaschinenoptimierung ein wichtiges unterstützendes Tool sein. In TYPO3 gibt es hierfür eine gut funktionierende Lösung.
Google Core Web Vitals for TYPO3? Have you heard of it or you must have come across it but however not certain how it is important for your TYPO3 website?
Welcome to the TYPO3 community! The novice TYPO3 developer always needs a group of people where they can get to learn free TYPO3 CMS. Do you know how you can get such free TYPO3 support? In this article, you will find a list of TYPO3 community support.
TYPO3 Extensions
Extension Updates im Dezember
Ein kleine Auswahl von Extensions, die im Dezember neu bzw. in einer aktualisierten Version im TER veröffentlicht wurden (In der Reihenfolge der Veröffentlichung, Stand 04.01.2021):
powermailrecaptcha powermailrecaptcha / stable Google recaptcha extension for powermail
invisiblerecaptcha invisiblerecaptcha / stable Google invisible recaptcha extension for powermail
femanager femanager / stable TYPO3 Frontend User Registration and Management based on Extbase and Fluid and on TYPO3 8 and the possibility to extend it. Extension basicly works like…
Translate translate_locallang / stable Editor for locallang.xlf files
Form: Mailtexts via plugin form_mailtext / stable This extension enhances the Email finishers of EXT:form by a new field "Mail text" (message) that allows the editor to define the mail text within the form plugin in the backend.
Photoswipe photoswipe / stable Enables Photoswipe for TYPO3's native image enlargement. Small js-lib and easy to install. It just works with plain javascript, no jQuery or other frameworks are needed.
Comments for TYPO3 CMS pw_comments / stable Powerful extension for providing comments, including replies on comments and voting.
MyFlat myflat / beta Flat manager, shows bookings of holiday flats in calendars, availability check included.
File Fill filefill / stable Find and fetch missing local files from different remotes
Content Defender content_defender / stable Define allowed or denied content element types in your backend layouts
Site Crawler crawler / stable Libraries and scripts for crawling the TYPO3 page tree.
Diese Liste stellt nur ein Auswahl interessanter Extensions dar, keine Empfehlung oder Wertung. Die Extensions wurden in der Regel nicht durch uns entwickelt und auch nicht getestet.
Tipp: nicht jede Extension muss 1:1 verwendet werden. Manchmal kann der Code einer Extension aber auch einfach zeigen, wie bestimmte Dinge gemacht werden können ;)
The caret icon most clearly indicated to users that it would open an accordion in place, rather than linking directly to a new page.
Dein Thema für den TYPO3-Newsletter
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