Ein kleine Auswahl von Extensions, die im Dezember neu bzw. in einer aktualisierten Version im TER veröffentlicht wurden (In der Reihenfolge der Veröffentlichung, Stand 02.01.2016): - Code Highlighter
mh_code_highlighter by Marc Hoersken Adds a new Content Element that uses GeSHi to highlight code. - Plupload for FE
pluploadfe by Felix Nagel Provides an API and a FE plugin for using plupload, a highly usable and advanced upload handler. - Mail Files
mailfiles by Felix Nagel Upload files and send download links via email. Uses plupload. - Language File Editor
lfeditor by Stefan Galinski, Damjan Komlenac This module serves several functions for editing of language files. The extension differs between editors and administrators with appropriate privileges. Normal users are allowed to edit only languages for which they have permission. Following functions are implemented in this module: Formats: PHP, XML and XLF Enhanced insert types (resizable text area, TinyMCE) Conversion of formats Splitting and merging of language files Override mode Editing L10n folder content Simple editing of constants and languages (edit/add/rename/delete constants) Flexible search and view of constants and values Tree view of constants Meta information handling Backups, recovering and diff view - Make BE user password really secure
be_secure_pw by Thomas Loeffler You can set password conventions to force secure passwords for BE users. - beautyOfCode Syntax Highlighter
beautyofcode by Felix Nagel This plugin provides Java-Script based, state-of-the-art, feature rich syntax highlighting by using SyntaxHighlighter or Prism. t3editor enabled. - Apache Solr for TYPO3 - Enterprise Search
solr by Ingo Renner, Timo Hund, Markus Friedrich Apache Solr for TYPO3 is the enterprise search server you were looking for with special features such as Faceted Search or Synonym Support and incredibly fast response times of results within milliseconds. - Mask Export
mask_export by Nicole Cordes Export your mask elements as extension - MyFlat
myflat by Joachim Ruhs Flat manager, shows bookings of holiday flats in calendars, availability check included. - TYPO3 Console
typo3_console by Helmut Hummel A reliable and powerful command line interface for TYPO3 CMS - Just News - only core features used
just_news by Thomas Löffler A news system used with core features. Easy to use, easy to extend. - Minifier for TYPO3
min by Armin Vieweg Extends TYPO3's compressor for JS and CSS with minifier. This may save you up to 60% of default compressed file size. Also compresses HTML output of TYPO3. Full composer support. - Dynamic Content Elements (DCE)
dce by Armin Ruediger Vieweg DCE is an extension for the CMS TYPO3, which creates easily and fast dynamic content elements. It is an alternative to flexible content elements (FCE) but without need of TemplaVoila (TV). Based on Extbase and Fluid.
Diese Liste stellt nur ein Auswahl interessanter Extensions dar, keine Empfehlung oder Wertung. Die Extensions wurden nicht durch uns entwickelt oder getestet.