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TYPO3 News von

August 2020


TYPO3 Newsletter - August 2020

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TYPO3 News

Frontend Editing—Planning the Next Major Version

Frontend Editing—Planning the Next Major Version

After more than 50 releases, it is time to plan the next big step for Frontend Editing in TYPO3. A lot has happened, both in TYPO3 and in other CMSs. What will version 2.0 look like?

TYPO3 in Every Country: The TYPO3 Mentorship Program

TYPO3 in Every Country: The TYPO3 Mentorship Program

A learning opportunity for the global web development community is about to start. The first six TYPO3 students come from countries in Latin America and Africa.

Interview with Mathias Bolt: Building Better TYPO3 Eco-system

Interview with Mathias Bolt: Building Better TYPO3 Eco-system

We have been interviewing and inviting TYPO3 business people to share their views to build a better TYPO3 eco-system for a better TYPO3 tomorrow. T3Terminal has been developed and is focusing on having a "Fruitful TYPO3 Eco-System".

It’s a pleasure to share the very first interview, this week we have been honored by Mathias Bolt Lesniak, the TYPO3 Certified Consultant, Editor, Integrator, an active participant at TYPO3 Association Board and works at Pixelant’s Norwegian division. 

We’re Investing in TYPO3 Core Development and You Can Too

We’re Investing in TYPO3 Core Development and You Can Too

Working on open source software is much more fun when you’re not alone. But not everyone has time to dedicate to fixing bugs and polishing. We’re employing a TYPO3 developer to fix bugs and unresolved issues over the next six months. Find out how you can contribute, too!

Interview with Jochen Weiland: Building Better TYPO3 Eco-system

Interview with Jochen Weiland: Building Better TYPO3 Eco-system

We have been interviewing and inviting TYPO3 business people to share their views to build a better TYPO3 eco-system for a better TYPO3 tomorrow. T3Terminal has been developed and is focusing on having a "Fruitful TYPO3 Eco-System".

This week we have been honored by Jochen Weiland, the TYPO3 Certified Consultant, Editor, Integrator, and CEO of

Christian Kuhn: All About b13’s Newest Team Member and his TYPO3 Career So Far

Christian Kuhn: All About b13’s Newest Team Member and his TYPO3 Career So Far

We are delighted to announce that Christian “Lolli” Kuhn is joining us to work full time on TYPO3 core. Lolli has been using TYPO3 for 17 years and contributing to it almost as long. 

TYPO3 Tipps

TYPO3 Extension und Composer-Packages ohne Composer

TYPO3 Extension und Composer-Packages ohne Composer

"Gelegentlich kommt es vor, dass auf einem Kunden-Server Composer nicht installiert werden darf oder der Kunde es nicht wünscht. Ich knirsche dann ein bisschen mit den Zähnen und arbeite so wie früher – “classic way”, wie es auf so schön heißt."

Englischsprachige TYPO3-Videos von Daniel Siepmann

Englischsprachige TYPO3-Videos von Daniel Siepmann

Daniel Siepmann veröffentlicht auf seinem englischsprachigen Blog nun auch Videos in englisch. Unter der gegebenen URL können alle Videos aufgerufen werden. Derzeit existiert ein Video als Einstieg in TYPO3, sowie ein Video als Einstieg in UnitTesting mittels PHPUnit.

Launch Your Free TYPO3 AWS in 5 mins!

Launch Your Free TYPO3 AWS in 5 mins!

Are you looking for beginner level TYPO3 AWS installation and configuration? Then here go, In this article, you will install free TYPO3 AWS with a step-by-step guide.

8 Ways to Publish Your TER TYPO3 Extensions

8 Ways to Publish Your TER TYPO3 Extensions

Are you looking for help to publish the TER TYPO3 extension? In this article, You will find a step-by-step guide to release manuals or automize your extension to TER.

Quick Guide to Harden TYPO3 Security

Quick Guide to Harden TYPO3 Security

History says TYPO3 is one of the most secure OpenSource CMS. But, security is a never-ending task, In this article, I want to introduce Helmut’s popular “TYPO3 Secure Web” package to more secure your TYPO3 site.

TYPO3 Extensions

Extension Updates im August

Ein kleine Auswahl von Extensions, die im September neu bzw. in einer aktualisierten Version im TER veröffentlicht wurden (In der Reihenfolge der Veröffentlichung, Stand 31.08.2020):

  • Site Crawler
    crawler / stable
    Libraries and scripts for crawling the TYPO3 page tree.
  • Cache Warmup
    warmup / stable
    Allows to warmup caches via the command line interface
  • mindshape Cookie Consent
    mindshape_cookie_consent / stable
    This extension provides functionality to create a customizable cookie consent for your website. It is developed for flexibility to be customized in accordance to your data security…
  • Content Defender
    content_defender / stable
    Define allowed or denied content element types in your backend layouts
  • Glossary 2
    glossary2 / stable
    This TYPO3 extension creates a glossary with A-Z links for you
  • Cookieman
    cookieman / stable
    A GDPR tracking consent popup. It asks for approval to include tracking objects (cookies, images or any HTML) and includes the objects when consented. It also removes cookies after…
  • Commands for Scheduler
    commands / stable
    Additional Scheduler Commands
  • Cookie Consent for TYPO3 – GDPR Optin
    we_cookie_consent / stable
    Cookie Consent Panel (Optin) with DSGVO/GDPR compliant use of cookies. Preconfigured modules for Google Analytics, Facebook and other frequently used services. Arbitrary…
  • Resize images automatically
    image_autoresize / stable
    Simplify the way your editors may upload their images: no complex local procedure needed, let TYPO3 automatically resize down their huge images/pictures on-the-fly during upload…
  • StaticFileCache
    staticfilecache / stable
    Transparent StaticFileCache solution using mod_rewrite and mod_expires. Increase performance for static pages by a factor of 230!!

Diese Liste stellt nur ein Auswahl interessanter Extensions dar, keine Empfehlung oder Wertung. Die Extensions wurden in der Regel nicht durch uns entwickelt und auch nicht getestet.

Tipp: nicht jede Extension muss 1:1 verwendet werden. Manchmal kann der Code einer Extension aber auch einfach zeigen, wie bestimmte Dinge gemacht werden können ;)


TYPO3 for Everyone: Join the Remote Accessibility Sprint 2020

TYPO3 for Everyone: Join the Remote Accessibility Sprint 2020

Making TYPO3 accessible is a mission to make the web a little bit better! You can help us with your development and UI/UX skills, accessibility know-how or your documentation or testing experience. The Accessibility Sprint will be an open remote sprint and everyone is welcome to join!

TYPO3 Usergroup Bodensee Online-Meeting am 08.09.2020

TYPO3 Usergroup Bodensee Online-Meeting am 08.09.2020

Sulu CMS Fullstack Symfony Content Management System:
Wir werfen einen praktischen Blick auf die Arbeit mit dem CMS. Roland Golla hat die Seite von Never Code Alone mit dem Sulu CMS als Open Source Projekt auf GitHub veröffentlicht. Hier werden einige Social Media Services integriert. In der Session wird die Arbeit mit dem aktuellen Sulu CMS in der Version 2 vorgestellt.

TechSummer Online Session Day

TechSummer Online Session Day

Da es der TYPO3 Community aufgrund der derzeitigen Situation nicht möglich ist, sich zum Austausch persönlich zu treffen, fand der Techsummer am 31.7. online statt. 

Eine Liste (fast) aller Veranstaltungen findet ihr hier:


DDEV-Local from Scratch on macOS

DDEV-Local from Scratch on macOS

It's easy to set up DDEV-Local on macOS. You only need to install Docker and then install DDEV-Local. This video walks you through the process and then demonstrates further commands using a Drupal 9 project. 


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