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April 2021


TYPO3 Newsletter - April 2021

Herzlich willkommen zur neuen Ausgabe des TYPO3 Newsletters. Hier findest Du Neuigkeiten und Interessantes aus dem TYPO3-Universum.

TYPO3 News

TYPO3 Mentorship Program 2021

The aim of the TYPO3 International Mentorship Program is to expand the reach of TYPO3 CMS, to grow the community and market. The coordinating committee conducted a successful pilot program in 2020, supporting young web developers from five countries to make their first steps into the TYPO3 world.

Results of the 2021 TYPO3 Association Elections

Patrick Gaumond was elected to the Board with three reelected veterans. Daniel Fau and Edward Lenssen are joining veteran Ingo Schmitt in the Business Control Committee. Congratulations!

TYPO3 10.4.15 maintenance release published

The version 10.4.15 of the TYPO3 Enterprise Content Management System has just been released.

Introducing Free Skill Tracking and Verification for TYPO3 Association Members

Silver, Gold, and Platinum members of the TYPO3 Association now receive credits and a free business account at to manage, track and verify internal skills and optimize preparation for certifications.

Documentation Screenshots—Puppeteer Makes Life Easy

This year, a special interest group was formed to update screenshots in the official TYPO3 documentation. Updating screenshots manually is tedious and boring. This article explains the really cool automatic solution we have devised, and we’re looking for people to help us make it even better.

Documentation Team Sweeping Week

The Documentation Team conducts a sweeping week every month, where we try to touch, address and close issues and PRs.

At the start of 2021, the TYPO3 Documentation Team initiated the concept of a "Sweeping Week". This is based on the idea of Kehrwoche where people take turns to ensure the orderliness of common property.

TYPO3 Tipps

Webp, Responsive Images und Lazy Loading in TYPO3 einbauen

Du willst Google & Co. oder die SEO-Agentur glücklich machen? Dann haben wir hier ein kleines Snippet, mit dem du Bilder im modernen webp-Format, optimiert für das Besucher Endgerät und mit Lazy Loading ausliefern kannst.

How to use TYPO3 + ReactJS [2021]

A few days ago, T3Terminal launched the world's first-ever TYPO3 Reactjs Template using TYPO3 Headless APIs concepts. Are you looking at what/why/how to TYPO3 Reactjs development? You landed in the right place; it’s time to react ;)

How to Setup TYPO3 Frontend Login (Manually & With Extensions)

Are you looking for TYPO3 login integration for your frontend users and customers? This blog will help you implement the TYPO3 frontend login feature with core ways, free TYPO3 login extensions, TYPO3 registration plugins, and tips to enhance your TYPO3 login.

TYPO3 in 15 Minuten webP-fähig machen

Warum wir das bereits vor einigen Jahren von Google entwickelte Bildformat WebP verwenden und auch ausliefern sollten, ist klar: es bietet erheblich verkleinerte Datenmengen für Bilder im Vergleich zu jpg.  Auch der Blick auf Googles WebP Gallery überzeugt.
Selbst wenn noch nicht jeder mit einem Webp-fähigen Browser unterwegs ist, so werden es doch mit jedem Update immer mehr. Zeit sich dem Thema anzunehmen und diesen Performancevorteil zu nutzen.

TYPO3 Tutorials

Übersicht über gute, aktuelle und kostenlose TYPO3 9 oder TYPO3 10 Tutorials und Anleitungen, um einfach TYPO3 zu lernen.

TYPO3 Talk with Tim: Author Of TYPO3 Blogger

We have Tim Lochmüller with us this week for interesting TYPO3 Talk! Tim Lochmüller is author of TYPO3 Blogger and works for the TYPO3 agency HDNET and has been working with TYPO3 since 2004.

The TYPO3 Talk with Tim is interesting, so grab that cup of coffee to explore Tim's insights into his views, the history and potential of TYPO3 and the open source community, and how we can build a better TYPO3 ecosystem together!

Let's explore his journey with TYPO3 from then to now, and much more!

How Well Do You Know About TYPO3 Performance?

TYPO3 CMS! The amazing TYPO3 CMS we love! Are you aware of TYPO3 performance principles? Examine your TYPO3 awareness about the TYPO3 performance test. How much do you know about it?

[TYPO3] PreviewRenderer: Vorschau im Backend für eigene Content Elemente

Wie oft habt ihr den Satz "Aber TYPO3 ist doch so kompliziert" gehört? Neben vielen Möglichkeiten wie man das Backend aufräumen kann (und auch unbedingt sollte!), zeigen wir euch heute, wie ihr eure eigenen (oder auch normale) Seiteninhalte mit einer ansprechenden Vorschau ausstatten könnt.

TYPO3 Backend Login Setup Guide

Are you looking for TYPO3 Backend login integration and configuration? This blog will help you implement the TYPO3 backend login feature with core ways, free TYPO3 login extensions, TYPO3 registration plugins, and tips to enhance your TYPO3 backend login.

Showcasing the flexibility of TYPO3’s Form Framework

Embedding forms into a website is a basic requirement when selecting a content management system (CMS) today. Requirements for working with forms can range from simple to complex. Perhaps you want to add a contact form to the contact page or embed a form from a third-party application like Hubspot or Salesforce; or maybe you need to enable your marketers and editors to create custom forms on the spot within the CMS. Luckily for us, TYPO3 CMS comes with the system extension “form” that can handle almost any usage scenario you can think of. One of the main benefits being that editors can create forms with just a few clicks.

TYPO3 Talk with Gernot: Founder of TYPO3 Mask Extension

Welcome to the TYPO3 Interview Series - 17!

We have Gernot Ploiner with us this week for interesting TYPO3 Talk! Gernot is with TYPO3 since 2004 Founder of TYPO3 Mask extension. He is member of the TYPO3 certification team and organizes exams on several TYPO3 events. He is author in the T3N magazine and writes articles about TYPO3. Being owner of WEBprofil they are creators of the templating extension Mask.

TYPO3 Multisite : How, When and Why?

TYPO3 being an ultimate CMS holds the potential to scale from single to multiple TYPO3 websites aka TYPO3 multisite within a single instance, without settling on security, execution, or user efficiency in the front or backend

TYPO3 Talk with Karen: Data Protection Officer

Welcome to the TYPO3 Interview Series - 19!

This week we have Karen Falkenberg with us this week for interesting TYPO3 Talk! Karen has been with TYPO3 since 2006 and is data Protection Officer of the TYPO3 Association and TYPO3 GmbH.

TYPO3 extensions: What to know before you build them!

TYPO3 comes with a lot of great features out of the box, but sometimes you need to add functionality to your website—-say, a news feed, a weather widget, or data pulled from spreadsheets. Because every TYPO3 website owner needs different features, you add them on as extensions—which keeps the default installation lean.

TYPO3 Extensions

Extension Updates im April

Ein kleine Auswahl von Extensions, die im April neu bzw. in einer aktualisierten Version im TER veröffentlicht wurden (In der Reihenfolge der Veröffentlichung, Stand 30.09.2019):

  • StaticFileCache
    staticfilecache / stable

    Transparent StaticFileCache solution using mod_rewrite and mod_expires. Increase performance for static pages by a factor of 230!!

  • Language Detection
    language_detection / stable

    Modern language detection middleware for TYPO3. Based on PSR-14 & PSR-15.

  • Aimeos web shop distribution
    aimeos_dist / stable

    Professional, full-featured and ultra-fast TYPO3 e-commerce distribution for online shops, complex B2B applications and #gigacommerce. Turns TYPO3 into the best platform for…

  • Yoast SEO for TYPO3
    yoast_seo / stable

    Optimise your website for search engines with Yoast SEO for TYPO3. With this extension you get all the technical SEO stuff you need and will help editors to write high quality…

  • Bootstrap Package
    bootstrap_package / stable

    Bootstrap Package delivers a full configured frontend theme for TYPO3, based on the Bootstrap CSS Framework.

  • t3oodle
    t3oodle / beta

    Simple poll extension for TYPO3 CMS. t3oodle allows your frontend users to create new polls and vote for existing ones.

  • Content Replacer
    replacer / stable

    Replaces string patterns from the page. You can use it to replace URLs for Content Delivery Network (CDN).

Diese Liste stellt nur ein Auswahl interessanter Extensions dar, keine Empfehlung oder Wertung. Die Extensions wurden in der Regel nicht durch uns entwickelt und auch nicht getestet.

Tipp: nicht jede Extension muss 1:1 verwendet werden. Manchmal kann der Code einer Extension aber auch einfach zeigen, wie bestimmte Dinge gemacht werden können ;)


TYPO3 Meetup München 04.05.2021

TYPO3 Usergroup Bodensee Online-Meeting 11.05.2021


Eine Liste (fast) aller Veranstaltungen findet ihr hier:


Kein Witz: Akkordeon-Effekt nur mit HTML

Es ist kein wirklich kein Witz. Du hast die Möglichkeit nur mit HTML einen sogenannten Akkordeon-Effekt zu realisieren. Mit dem Akkordeon-Effekt ist gemeint, dass ein kleinerer Teil des Inhaltes zu sehen ist und wenn du darauf klickst, dann gibt es mehr zu sehen. Also eine Textbox zum Aufklappen.

File Watcher für Sass oder SCSS in PhpStorm einrichten

PhpStorm bietet die Möglichkeit, über einen File Watcher Sass oder SCSS-Dateien direkt bei der Bearbeitung zu kompilieren. Dazu muss man nicht mal unbedingt die Datei speichern.

iTerm2 Text Highlighting

Don't ever miss an error in your command line with this trick!

Have you ever had the issue of skipping over Errors and Warnings in your terminal when directly looking at command outputs? This happened to me recently.

After seeking a way to avoid this in the future, I decided that a simple text highlighting would suffice. As it turns out, iTerm2 has several features that are specifically designed for such scenarios.

How to style the select button of file inputs

Today I came across a PR in the MDN web compatibility data GitHub repository. The open source project holds all the browser support information for MDN and partially Watching the project is perfect for discovering new browser features and browser support changes (that's how I find out about all this stuff).

The PR #9763 updates the support and compatibility information for the ::file-selector-button pseudo element.

I was not aware that this pseudo-element even exists! The element enables developers to style the "browse" button of file select input elements.

Let's have a look at the pseudo-element.

Hover Effect Ideas

An inspirational collection of subtle hover effects

Der HTML-Textmarker (<mark>)

In HTML hast du einige Elemente, die dir dabei helfen dein Text auszuzeichnen.

Dein Thema für den TYPO3-Newsletter

Wir halten ständig alle Augen und Ohren offen, um gute Links für den Newsletter zu finden. Und doch entgehen uns vielleicht die einen oder anderen interessanten Sachen.

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Du hast eine nützliche Extension entdeckt oder selbst entwickelt?
Du veranstaltest ein Event, wie zum Beispiel ein Usergroup-Treffen?

Dann schicke uns einfach den Link mit einer kurzen Beschreibung. Eventuell können wir den Link dann in einem der nächsten Newsletter veröffentlichen.

Nutze bitte das Formular hinter dem folgenden Link, um uns dein Thema für den TYPO3-Newsletter zu schicken.

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