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E-mail SSL encryption

In the following, we would like to show you how you can minimize the risk of your emails being "intercepted" or "read" by unauthorized persons by using SSL encryption to our mail servers.

Incoming mail server in Outlook and Windows Mail

Change the specification of the server for the inbox from pop3.name-der-domain.de or imap.name-der-domain.de to the host name sslin.de

If it is a POP3mailbox, please change the port for the incoming mail server from 110 to 995 on the "Advanced" tab and activate the option Incoming mail server uses a secure connection (SSL).

If it is an IMAP mailbox, please change the port for the incoming mail server from 143 to 993 on the "Advanced" tab and activate the option Incoming mail server uses a secure connection (SSL).

The configuration is now complete and in future your emails will be retrieved via an SSL-encrypted connection.

In addition to retrieving emails, you can also send emails via an SSL-encrypted connection by establishing a secure connection from your email program to the mail server. Please note the following information.

Outgoing mail server in Outlook and Windows Mail

Change the outgoing mail server specification from smtp.name-of-the-domain.com to sslout.com

On the "Advanced" tab, change the port for the outgoing mail server from 25 to 465 and activate the option Outgoing mail server uses a secure connection (SSL).

The configuration is now complete and your emails will be sent via an SSL-encrypted connection in future.

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Updated: 17.07.2024