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TYPO3 version 8.7 for editors

Easy to understand: our free video course shows in detail all the steps involved in creating and maintaining content in TYPO3 8 LTS.


With these videos you will learn how to maintain and edit the content of your TYPO3 website. We use TYPO3 version 8.7 LTS (the video course is also available for version 7.6,version 6.2 and version 6.0 and 4.7)

Please note: a "standard" installation is used in the videos. However, as TYPO3 can be configured very flexibly, it is possible that not all or other input fields than those shown in the videos are available in your TYPO3 website.

01: Introduction, concepts and terms

In part 1 of the video series "TYPO3 8 LTS for editors" we explain the basic concepts behind TYPO3 and explain some terms you should know.

02: Login to the backend and overview

In this video you will learn how to log in to the backend of TYPO3 and get a general overview of the different areas of the backend.

03: The most important settings for your own user account

In this video you will see a few of the most important settings for your user account. More advanced settings will be discussed in a later video, as these only make sense once you are more familiar with TYPO3.

04: What is the frontend cache

One system that you will come into contact with sooner or later in TYPO3 is the frontend cache. In this video you will learn what it is and when and how you might need to empty this cache.

05: Overview of the file list module

Use the file list module to manage all the files you want to use for the website, for example images or PDF documents.

06: Create directories in the file list module

Files that you want to use for the website can and should be organized in a folder structure.

07: Upload files

In this video you will learn about the different options for uploading files.

08: Manage metadata for files

In the file list module, you can manage so-called metadata for each file. Among other things, the "alternative text" for images, which is important for search engine optimization and accessibility, can be maintained here.

09: Activate extended view and replace files

As soon as you activate the "Extended view" in the file list module, further functions are available. You can now also replace files.

This means that you cannot upload a new version of a file, and if this file is already used somewhere on the website in content elements, this content is updated automatically.

10: Copying and moving files

In the file list module, you can easily copy files or move them to other directories. In this video, you will learn about the various methods for doing this.

11: The page tree

Content is maintained on individual pages in TYPO3. All pages in the TYPO3 installation then form the entire website. The pages can be organized via the page tree.

12: Create new pages

This video shows the different methods of creating new pages in the TYPO3 backend.

13: Copying and moving pages

In this video you will learn about the different methods for copying and moving pages.

14: Delete pages

Existing pages can of course also be deleted again. As is so often the case in TYPO3, there are several methods for this.

15: Rename pages

16: Search (filter) pages in the page tree

The page tree has a search/filter function that makes it very easy to find specific pages. This can be a great help, especially with large, extensive page trees.

17: The page properties - "General" and "Metadata" areas

Every page in TYPO3 has certain properties that can be used, for example, to pass values to a page or to control the behavior of a page. In this video you will get to know the areas "General" and "Metadata".

18: The page properties - "Appearance" area

In the "Appearance" section of the page properties, you can usually control what layout is used for a page.

19: The page properties - "Behavior" area

In the "Behavior" area, you can control, for example, how long the frontend cache of an individual page should be valid or whether a page should be taken into account by the TYPO3-internal search function.

20: The page properties - "Resources" area

You can assign files to a page via the "Resources". A classic use case would be, for example, to output these files (images) as header graphics in the front end of the website.

21: The page properties - "Access" area

In the "Access" section of the page properties, pages can be deactivated or hidden in navigation menus. Pages can also be published on a time-controlled basis or only activated for logged-in front-end users.

22: Working with the Rich Text Editor (RTE), Part 1

The Rich Text Editor (RTE) is the central tool for creating content in TYPO3. It can be used to enter and format texts. The operation is very similar to a normal word processor.

In this video, you will learn about the most important functions and buttons of the RTE and get a few tips for working more effectively with the RTE.

23: Working with the Rich Text Editor (RTE), Part 2 - Inserting texts

In this video you will learn what you need to bear in mind when inserting text from other sources in the RTE (word processors, other webstes, etc.).

24: Working with the Rich Text Editor (RTE), Part 3 - Tables

In RTE, tables can also be used to display texts, similar to the way you are used to from word processing programs. In this video, you will learn what you need to pay attention to and how this works.

25: Content element "Heading" and overview of general settings for content elements

This content element can be used to create headings. You will also get to know the settings and input fields that are used in all the other content elements.

26: Content element "Text"

You can use this content element to create a heading and body text. It is probably the most frequently used content element.

27: Content element "Text & images"

If you want to display images on the website, you can also use this content element. In addition to text, you can also display any number of images and set how these images are displayed in relation to the text.

28: Content element "Images only"

Any number of images can be displayed with this content element. The difference to the "Text & images" content element is that no continuous text can be added here.

29: Change the image section with the image editor

Since TYPO3 7, it has been possible to determine the section of an image to be displayed directly in the TYPO3 backend. However, this does not change the original image.

30: Content element "Text & media"

The "Text & media" content element can be used to display audio or video files. The handling of these files is very similar to the handling of images. This makes it very easy to integrate videos from external sources such as YouTube or Vimeo.

31: Content element "Enumeration"

This content element can be used to output text as numbered or unnumbered lists.

32: Content element "Table"

This allows data to be output in a tabular form in the frontend. This content element is particularly interesting if the data comes from a spreadsheet such as Excel, for example. Here you can export the data as a CSV file and use it directly in this content element.

33: Content element "File links"

This content element can be used to output files in the frontend and offer them for download.

34: Use content element "File links" with file collections

The "File links" content element really comes into its own in conjunction with file collections. File collections can be used, for example, to offer the contents of a folder for download. When changes are made to the folder, the list of files in the frontend is updated automatically.

35: Content elements for "Menus"

TYPO3 offers various content elements for creating navigation menus. The most frequently used is probably the "sitemap", which can be used to create a table of contents for the entire website.

36: Content element "HTML"

With this content element, you can use HTML code directly as a content element. For example, you could integrate code from external sources. A Google Map is used as an example in the video.

37: Content element "Separator"

This content element can be used to structure longer texts. By default, it simply outputs a horizontal line.

38: Content element "Insert data records"

This content element can save a lot of work, as it allows you to reuse existing elements as often as you like and on as many pages as you like. Advantage: all changes in the original content element are automatically adopted in all referenced elements.

39: Edit, hide, move and copy content elements

Existing content elements can of course be changed at any time. In this video, you will learn how to move or copy content within a page.

40: Copy or move content elements to other pages

Content elements can also be moved or copied to other pages within a TYPO3 installation.

41: Publish pages and content elements time-controlled

Pages or other content elements can be automatically activated or deactivated at specific times. This makes it very easy to create content well in advance.

42: Functions of the list module

In the list module, all types of data records on a page or in a folder can be very easily viewed and edited. Mass editing (batch editing) is also possible here, e.g. if you want to change the value of an input field for several content elements "in one go".

43: Restore deleted items with the recycle bin

No content that is deleted in TYPO3 is really deleted. Almost everything can be restored at any time. A useful tool for this is the "recycle bin", which can be used to restore deleted data records.

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Updated: 17.07.2024