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TYPO3 7 for editors

Easy to understand: our free video course shows in detail all the steps involved in creating and maintaining content in TYPO3 7.


With these videos you will learn how to maintain and edit the content of your TYPO3 website. We use TYPO3 version 7 LTS.

Please note: a "standard" installation is used in the videos. However, as TYPO3 can be configured very flexibly, it is possible that not all or other input fields than those shown in the videos are available in your TYPO3 website.

General information

Part 1: Login and overview of the backend

In the first part of this video series, we log in to the TYPO3 backend for the first time. We will also explain some common terms such as frontend and backend. In addition, you will get to know the basic concepts of TYPO3.

Part 2: Settings in the user account

In the settings of your user account you can, for example, change your password, enter an e-mail address and make various adjustments for the TYPO3 backend. You can also set a different language for the backend.


Part 3: The page tree

You can use the page tree to view the existing pages of the TYPO3 project. In most cases, the page tree also reflects the navigation structure of the website. There are also different page types that behave differently in the frontend.

Part 4: Copying and moving pages

You can use the page tree to move existing pages to any other position. You can also create copies of existing pages. Several methods are available for this.

Part 5: Rename pages

Existing pages can be renamed at any time. As is so often the case, there are several methods available in TYPO3

Part 6: The page properties

Various settings can be made for each page via the page properties. For example, you can change the page title, store metadata such as a description and much more.

Part 7: Creating new pages

In this video you will see how to create new pages in TYPO3. There are several methods available for this.


Part 8: Upload and manage files

Images or other files that you want to use in content elements must first be uploaded in the TYPO3 backend. In this video you can see how to upload, manage and organize files in folder structures in the "File list" module.

Part 9: The File Selector

If you want to use files (e.g. images) in content elements, you can select them using a tool called "File Selector". Here we explain how you can work with this tool.

The text editor

Part 10: Creating and editing texts with the Rich Text Editor (RTE)

As soon as you want to create texts for your website, you will come into contact with the so-called Rich Text Editor, or RTE for short, in the TYPO3 backend. This allows you to enter and format texts in a similar way to a word processing program. However, there are a few things to bear in mind.

Part 11: Tables in the Rich Text Editor

The Rich Text Editor also offers the option of creating tables, similar to those used in word processing programs. This provides a convenient way of displaying data in tabular form.

Part 12: Inserting texts in the Rich Text Editor

It is very common to process existing digital texts from other sources (PDF, Word, websites) in the Rich Text Editor (RTE). To do this, you can of course copy and paste these texts into the RTE. However, there are a few important points to bear in mind.

Create content

Part 13: General input fields in content elements

Although there are different types of content elements in TYPO3, they have a few things in common. Many fields in the input forms are common to almost all content elements. You will learn about these common fields in this video.

Part 14: The content element "Heading"

This content element can be used to display a simple heading. However, there is also the option of using a subheading, which is then automatically displayed one level smaller.

Part 15: The content element "Text & Media"

You will certainly work with the "Text & Media" content element most often. It is used to display normal text on the website. Optionally, you can also link certain files such as images, audio files or videos to this text.

Anyone who has used TYPO3 before version 7 LTS will be familiar with the content elements "Text", "Text & images" and "Images only". The new "Text & Media" content element combines these three content elements into one.

Part 16: The "Enumeration" content element

You can use this content element to create sorted or unsorted lists. However, the same functionality can also be achieved using a normal "Text & Media" content element.

Part 17: The "Table" content element

You can use this content element to display data in tabular form. This content element is particularly useful if this data is already available in the form of a CSV file, for example.

Part 18: The content element "File links"

You can use this content element to offer any files for download, for example.

This content element becomes very flexible in combination with the "file collections", which you will learn about in video 19.

Part 19: Using file collections in the "File links" content element

The content element "File links" (described in video 18) becomes very flexible through the interaction with file collections. This allows you to automatically display the content of certain folders or files that are assigned to certain categories in the frontend.

Part 20: The content element "Special menus"

With the "special menus", editors can also create certain types of navigation menus. One example would be the classic sitemap, i.e. a table of contents for the entire website.

Another example is the "Section overview" type. This allows you to create a kind of table of contents for a single page, as you can see at the top of this page, for example.

Part 21: The "Insert data records" content element

Content elements can be instantiated on other pages using the "Insert data records" content element. In this way, content elements can be used multiple times on a website, but only need to be maintained once. Changes in the original element are automatically adopted in the instances.

Part 22: The "Pure HTML" content element

With this content element, you can use HTML code directly as a content element. In this way, you can easily integrate code supplied by other providers into your own website. As an example, we show the integration of Google Maps in this video.

Part 23: The content element "Separator"

This content element can be used to insert a horizontal line in order to better structure the content in the frontend.

Part 24: Cropping images in content elements

A brand new feature of TYPO3 7 is the ability to edit images directly in the backend. The image section to be displayed in the frontend can be defined very conveniently. This is also done non-destructively, i.e. the original images are not changed.

Part 25: Editing, hiding and moving content elements

In this video, you will learn how to edit existing content elements, temporarily hide them or move them to a different position within a page.

Part 26: Copying or moving content elements to other pages

In this video you will learn how to copy or move content elements within the TYPO3 website to other pages. You will also get to know an important tool in TYPO3 - the clipboard.

Part 27: Time-controlled publishing of pages and content

The automatic publishing of content is one of the core functions of TYPO3. You can plan the time at which a content element should appear on the page, as well as the time at which it should be hidden again.

Part 28: Access protection for pages and content

Certain pages or even individual content elements can only be made available to logged-in frontend users if required. In this video, you will learn how to restrict access to content. The creation of frontend users and user groups is not covered in this video.

Manage content

Part 29: The functions of the list module

You can edit all types of data records in TYPO3 in the list module. It is also possible to edit several data records at the same time.

Part 30: Working with the clipboard

TYPO3 also has several internal clipboards. This allows you to copy or move several elements within your TYPO3 website at the same time, for example.

Part 31: Restoring deleted items from the recycle bin

Pages or content elements that are deleted in the TYPO3 backend are not actually deleted. They still exist in the database and are only "marked as deleted". However, this data can be restored at any time using the recycle bin module.

Part 32: Undoing changes

TYPO3 offers the option of undoing individual changes to pages or content elements. In this video you will get to know the corresponding functions.

Further functions (backend modules, multilingualism, search)

Part 33: The "Display" module

You can use the "Display" backend module to view the frontend output directly in the backend. It is possible to check the display in different display sizes. This is a particularly useful tool for modern websites suitable for mobile devices (keyword: responsive design).

Part 34: The "Info" module

In the "Info" backend module, you can display various information about one or more pages. In some cases, certain fields from the page properties can also be edited here. However, there are various areas in the Info module that you will learn about in this video.

Part 35: The "Functions" module

With the help of the "Functions" backend module, a large number of pages can be created very quickly. It can also be used to sort pages according to certain criteria.

Part 36: Multilingual websites - creating page translations

Multilingual websites can be realized very easily with TYPO3. The translation of a page is carried out in two steps: first a page is prepared for translation, then the content on this page can be translated. In this video you will learn how to prepare pages for several languages.

Part 37: Multilingual websites - translating content

In part 36 you learned how to set up pages in TYPO3 for multiple languages. In this video you will see how you can then translate the content of these pages into other languages.

Part 38: Search and find in the backend

A search function is particularly important for extensive websites in order to find content in the backend. TYPO3 7 offers comprehensive options for finding pages, content or files. Compared to previous versions, the search for files in particular has been improved enormously.

This page contains automatically translated content.

Updated: 17.07.2024