Extend backend functionality
- additional_reportsThe TYPO3 extension "additional_reports" extends the reports module with some additional reports such as a list of used extensions.
- be_secure_pwVideo tutorial: with the extension be_secure_pw you can enforce secure passwords for backend users and thus make your TYPO3 website more secure.
- content_defenderVideo: with the TYPO3 extension content_defender you can define which content elements can be used for each column in backend layouts.
- cs_seoVideo tutorial in 4 parts: The TYPO3 extension cs_seo is a useful helper for the on-page search engine optimization of a website.
- jwtools2Video: with the TYPO3 extension jwtools2 you can be notified by e-mail about upcoming extension updates.
- linkvalidatorVideo tutorial: the system extension linkvalidator can be used to check a TYPO3 website for invalid links.
- metaseoVideo tutorial for TYPO3 in 4 parts: Facilitate search engine optimization with the extension metaseo.
- nnhelpersVideo: the extension "nnhelpers" is a kind of cheat sheet in the backend for quick access to typical and frequently used code snippets.
- sg_contentlinkVideo tutorial: with the extension sg_content it is possible to use complete content elements as a link.
- sys_noteVideo tutorial: with the system extension sys_note you can create notes for yourself or other backend users in the TYPO3 backend.
- sysfire_failbanVideo tutorial: the sysfire FailBan extension can be used to block an attacker's IP address after x failed backend logins.
Images & image management
- image_autoresizeThe extension image_autoresize automatically reduces the size of images that exceed a preset size when they are uploaded.
- jh_magnificpopupVideo: The extension jh_magnificpopup integrates a responsive lightbox for images, content elements or external URLs in TYPO3.
- mwimagemapVideo tutorial: with the mwimagemap extension, image maps can be created and managed directly in the TYPO3 backend.
- ws_flexsliderVideo tutorial in 2 parts: Slider in TYPO3 with the extension ws_flexslider
- yagVideo tutorial in 5 parts for the TYPO3 image gallery extension "YAG".
Own content elements
- dceVideo: The DCE extension offers the possibility to create your own content elements based on Extbase and Fluid.
- gridelementsVideo tutorial: The Gridelements extension can be used to create multi-column container elements, for example.
- jfmulticontentVideo tutorial in 5 parts on how to install and configure the TYPO3 extension jfmulticontent.
- maskVideo tutorial in 4 parts: Custom TYPO3 content elements with the Extension Mask.
- aloha - Frontend editingVideo: the extension aloha integrates the aloha editor known from TYPO3 Neos into TYPO3 CMS for frontend editing.
- commentsVideo tutorial in 3 parts on how to install and configure the TYPO3 extension comments.
- cookieconsent2Video: with the help of the TYPO3 extension cookieconsent2 you can easily display a notice about the use of cookies in the frontend.
- jpfaqVideo: the jpfaq extension is used to display "Frequently Asked Questions" (FAQ) in the frontend.
- minVideo: the extension "Minifier for TYPO3 (min)" increases the performance of a TYPO3 page by summarizing and compressing HTML, CSS & JavaScript.
- newsVideo tutorial in 5 parts on how to install and configure the TYPO3 extension news.
- realurlVarious tips on the TYPO3 extension RealUrl, which can be used to generate readable, search engine-friendly URLs.
- reserveWith this extension, you can reserve tickets for one or more people for a specific time slot. Each reservation has its own QR code that can be scanned at the event.
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Updated: 17.07.2024