This extension allows website visitors to upload files via the frontend.
There are basically two types of use:
- Every visitor to the site can upload files. This is generally not recommended for "normal" websites on the Internet, but could be interesting for intranets.
- Only registered front-end users may upload files. Visitors must therefore first authenticate themselves with a user name and password.
The following video and text instructions show how to install and configure the extension.
Please note
If only logged-in frontend users are authorized to upload files, frontend user groups and users must be created beforehand. A login option must also be available. The setup and configuration of the frontend login is not shown in these instructions; you can find various instructions on the Internet or on our website.
The JavaScript framework jQuery must be integrated for the plugin to work in the frontend. If this is not yet the case on your website, you must do this first, otherwise the frontend plugin of the extension will not work.
Create configuration data set
In the next step, you must create at least one configuration data record. This determines, for example, the directory in which the files are loaded and whether a user must be logged into the frontend.
This data record can be created on any page or folder. In this example, we create a folder with the name Upload-Config. This name can of course be freely chosen.
In the Upload folder tab, enter the directory to which the files are to be uploaded in the Upload path field. In the example, we enter fileadmin/user_upload/ here.
Optionally, you can have another directory level created according to certain criteria under Create folder from user data. In the example, we select the User name option here.
This means that a separate folder is created for each logged-in user, for example fileadmin/user_upload/maxmuster/
Create the frontend plugin
The plug-in is now already visible in the frontend. If you see an error message instead of the view in the screenshot, check whether jQuery is really integrated (in the <head> area of the HTML source code).
If you have only allowed uploads for authenticated users in the configuration data set, non-authenticated users will see the plug-in but will not be able to upload any files.
To hide the plug-in for non-authenticated users, simply set in the Access tab of the plug-in in the backend that only logged-in users are allowed to see the plug-in.
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