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Questions about domains

Information about domain registration, provider change, external domains and validation emails.

Domain with or without www.?

A domain name always consists of at least two parts, the hierarchy goes from right to left. Individual parts of the domain are separated by a dot.

On the far right is the top-level domain (TLD), such as .de for Germany, .ch for Switzerland or .eu for Europe. In addition to country domains, there are also general TLDs such as . info, . com or more specific endings such as .mobi, .bio, . berlin or .hamburg.

To the left is the name (e.g. name-of-the-domain) within this TLD, resulting in a domain like name-of-the-domain.de. This is the second level.

A domain can be further subdivided by subdomains, e.g. into shop. name-the-domain.com or forum.name-the-domain.com. Each of these third levels can be assigned its own target directories, websites and e-mail addresses.

Even www.name-der-domain.de is nothing more than such a subdomain and is a relic from the origins of the Internet, when websites were exclusively accessible via the WorldWideWeb. Our servers are configured in such a way that www.name-der-domain.de is synonymous with name-of-the-domain.de.

If a domain is registered via another provider, separate settings for the variants with and without www. may have to be made in the name server there. To do this, the domain must be set up as a domain with external registration. The IP address of ourserver should then be entered as the A-record for the domain with and without www.

Can any free domain be registered?

No. For each top-level domain there are certain conditions. For example, German (.de) domains can only be registered if the Admin-C is resident in Germany. For .eu domains, for example, a domicile in one of the EU member states is required. For some domains (e.g. .pl or .ru), additional documents such as an excerpt from the commercial register or a copy of a passport or identity card are required.

Which domains can be registered?

When ordering via the online order form (for a new package or in the customer menu), the following top-level domains can be ordered:

.de, .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .eu, .at, .ch.

In addition, many other domain extensions can be registered through us. Please send your request regarding availability, costs and possible registration conditions by e-mail to: support(at)jweiland.net.

It is also possible to use domains with external registration, where the domain is registered with another provider and remains there.

How does the takeover of an existing domain (KK) work?

If a domain already registered with another provider is to be transferred to the web space (either when ordering a new hosting package or when ordering later in the customer menu), the procedure is as follows:

  • The domain must be released for provider change (KK) at the previous provider. Most providers offer a cancellation form for this purpose. This form must be filled out, signed by the domain holder and sent to the previous provider. With some providers, the domain can also be released in the customer menu.IMPORTANT: It must be ensured that the domain is only released for provider change (KK), but not for deletion (CLOSE). If a domain is released for CLOSE, it can be re-registered by anyone after the Redemption Grace Period (RGP). If the previous provider does not have the release, he will reject the KK request. If there is no approval of the KK within a certain time (usually 5 days), the KK is automatically rejected and must then be restarted. To restart a KK, please send an e-mail to support(at)jweiland.net.
  • For .de domains, the domain owner receives an AuthInfo, which is requested from us when the order is placed. If the AuthInfo is entered correctly, the domain will be transferred to us within a few minutes after it has been released by us. If a cancellation or release of a .de domain has obviously been rejected without any reason, the domain holder can still carry out the transfer with the help of a forced KK (AuthInfo2 procedure). This may also be necessary, for example, if the previous provider no longer exists or cannot be reached.
  • For domains other than .de (e.g. .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info), a so-called AuthCode is required for the transfer of the domain.
  • For domains, there is also a change of registrar. If these are ICANN domains (e.g. .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info), the previous Admin-C will receive an e-mail from DomainFactory GmbH [service@df.eu or do_not_replay@ns-not-in-service.com] (to the Admin-C e-mail address stored in the domain entry). In addition to a TransferCode, this e-mail contains a link under which the domain to be transferred and the AuthCode must be entered. The TransferCode is only valid for five days, if you do not agree within this time, a new transfer has to be started by us. Please check first with your current domain provider if the email address of the Admin-C stored in the domain record is still valid. If not, this must first be updated via the previous provider. Domain records can be determined via a so-called Whois query (e.g. viewdns. info/whois/). Unfortunately, the data available there is no longer meaningful since the DSGVO. In most cases, you can then determine the corresponding provider via the name servers.
  • With some providers (also with us) domains are set to the status "Registrar Lock" or "clientTransferProhibited" (see Whois query under "Domain Status"). This is an additional protective measure to prevent an unjustified transfer to a third party. In this case, the previous provider must set the status back to "Active" or "OK" before transferring the domain. If a domain is in LOCK status, the transfer of the domain cannot be started.
  • If you receive a message in the customer menu "Transfer online not possible, please contact support" send us an email with the domain name and the AuthInfo / AuthCode to support(at)jweiland.net.

How long does it take to move a domain via KK?

Since several parties must agree to a domain transfer (the domain holder, the previous provider and/or the previous registrar), a transfer usually takes 1-7 days. Sometimes several attempts are necessary for the transfer, for example if there are delays at one point.

Some providers build in additional delays ("... if you do not change your mind within x days, we will agree to the transfer").

Some domains have a blackout period after any registration, transfer or modification. For example, .com domains can be moved after 60 days at the earliest. This is independent of the provider, as this is initiated by the registry.

I receive an email from do_not_reply@ns-not-in-service.com. What does that mean?

On 01.01.2014, the implementation of a new requirement of the Internet administration ICANN came into force for some international top-level domains such as .com, .net, .org, .biz and .info, which makes the verification of the email address of the Admin-C mandatory. This is to prevent the registration of domain names for abusive purposes, such as the provision of phishing sites.

This is done by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address of the Admin-C stored in the holder entry (corresponds to the contract address in our case). This e-mail comes from the senderdo_not_reply@ns-not-in-service.com ( please check your SPAM folder if necessary) and has the subject Actionrequired: Confirm the e-mail address to your domain name-the-domain.comThe domain holderthen has 15 days to verify his identity via a confirmation page.

If no confirmation is received within this period, the domain will be deactivated until verification has taken place. In this case, the domain will remain registered, but related content such as websites and email inboxes will no longer be accessible.

The confirmation of the email address of the Admin-C is required:

  • when registering anew domain
  • after a provider change
  • after carrying out a change of ownership
  • in case of changes in the master data (e-mail address of the Admin-C, address)
  • or by arbitrary triggering by ICANN

In addition to the initial request, three further reminders will be sent by e-mail (10 days, 5 days as well as 2 days before the domain is deactivated).

Verification procedure

If verification of the Admin-C's e-mail address is required, an e-mail will be sent to the Admin-C requesting verification of his e-mail address.

The e-mail contains a link to a confirmation page at our partner OpenSRS. On this page, the email address can then be confirmed by activating a checkbox and clicking on the corresponding button.

This e-mail has the following subject line:

Action required: confirm the email address to your domain name-of-the-domain.com.

Deactivation of a domain

If the confirmation of the e-mail address by the Admin-C is not carried out within 15 days of the initial request, the domain will be deactivated. In this case, the domain remains registered to the domain owner, but related contents such as websites are no longer accessible. Together with the deactivation, the Admin-C receives another e-mail with a link to the confirmation page. Once the verification has been carried out, the domain will be reactivated.

If you have any questions on this subject, please contact us by e-mail at hosting(at)jweiland.net.

What are domains with external registration and how do I order them? (old hosting)

Domains with external registration are domains that have been registered with another provider and are to be used with us without changing providers.

For this purpose, the domains are added in our system, so that our servers know in which package and in which directory the domain may access. To do this, the domain name is ordered from us and then made available by us in the package. Afterwards, the domain owner can deposit an IP forwarding (A-Record) or our name servers with his provider, depending on how the domain is to be used with us.

A domain with external registration is therefore comparable to the room number in a hotel, the server IP address is the address of the hotel itself.

To order the domains, please send an e-mail to support(at)jweiland.net stating your customer number, the desired domain name and confirming the domain fees of 12 € per year.

In order to be able to use all domain services (webspace, e-mails etc.) together with the hosting package, the correct settings must be made in the domain entry (nameserver = DNS) after confirmation by us. The following nameservers have to be entered:

  • ns.namespace4you.com
  • ns2.namespace4you.com

Alternatively, only the IP address of the server can be entered as an A-record. In this case, the web space can be accessed via the domain, but not the e-mail accounts. These must then be handled via a separate mail server.

Important note: In order for the domain to be set up by us, the name servers or the IP address must not be deposited with the domain provider before the external domain is set up.

Subsequent domain transfer: If you would like to transfer a domain with external registration to us subsequently, the normal domain fees according to our price list for the term of one year will be due from the day of the transfer. If it is an external .de domain, for example, we recommend that you order it via the customer menu with an incorrect AuthInfo, otherwise the domain fees of 12 € will be due again when you move the domain. It makes no difference whether the domain with external registration has been used for a week or half a year.

How do I protect a domain or directory from access (cloud hosting)

Access protection for a website using a user name and password can be very helpful if you are developing a new website and do not yet want visitors to be able to see this website or search engines to index it.

In this guide, we explain how to set up password protection for your website or an individual subdirectory in our cloud hosting.

Password protection for a domain and subdirectories is always created per domain or subdomain in your customer menu (Plesk Panel).

1. log in to your Plesk Panel.
2. for the domain for which you want to set up password protection, click on "Password-protected directories".

Here you will now find the password-protected directories that have been created for this domain.

Set up password protection for the entire domain

  1. Click on "Add protected directory".
    You will then be asked for the directory you wish to protect.
  2. To protect the entire website, do not enter anything under "Directory name" and leave the /.

This protects the entire website with password protection.

Setting up password protection for a subdirectory

  1. Click on "Add protected directory".
  2. Now enter the subdirectory to be protected under "Directory name".

If this directory does not exist, it will be created automatically by the system.

Set up a user and password for password protection

To be able to access the password-protected website, you must define a user and a password for password protection. The users are always per password protection that you have created, but can also be identical for several directories.

  1. Click on the password protection you have created.
    You will now be shown an overview of all users of this password protection.
  2. Click on "Add user" to create the new user.
  3. Now enter the user name and a password. Please make sure that you assign a very secure password.
  4. Click on the OK button to create the user.

This page contains automatically translated content.

Updated: 17.07.2024