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TYPO3 version 12.4 LTS released!

The new version 12.4 LTS was released to mark the 25th anniversary of TYPO3. 140 developers have integrated over 200 new features. The version will receive free updates until April 2027 and can be used until April 2030 with the optional ELTS service.

The most important highlights of the new version:

Incoming and outgoing webhooks

Webhooks enable communication with other applications. TYPO3 can thus react to external events and trigger events in other applications. For incoming webhooks, there is the new Reactions module in the backend. For example, new data records can be created in response to external events. Outgoing webhooks enable integration with external applications such as Zapier or the deletion of a cache in a Content Delivery Network (CDN).

Improvements for editors

The backend has been simplified, works much faster and offers new functions for editors. For example, there is now a preview with tiles when managing files and inserting images. With the new search function, existing content can be found quickly even in large websites. The CKeditor for entering text is now available in version 5.

Under the hood

With the new message bus, which is based on the Symfony Messenger, communication can now also take place asynchronously. Let's take the example of a competition: requests can come in at high frequency. Participants fill out a form, then confirmation emails have to be sent and the data stored in an external CRM. Previously, these systems had to work synchronously - the slowest link in the chain determines the speed. With the new TYPO3 version, the requests can be processed quickly and stored temporarily in a queue. The queue can then be processed bit by bit.

The parser for TypoScript and Page-TSconfig has been completely revised and is now much faster and more robust.

New features for developers

The new TYPO3 version now uses the new functions of PHP 8.1 and 8.2. Doctrine DBAL version 3 is now used to access the database. This means that different database systems can be used with TYPO3. New TCA data types improve the connection of form fields with the database. New data types such as link, password, date, color, link or file improve the validation of entered data.


In multilingual websites, a fallback chain can now be defined for each language. If content is not available in a certain language, it is now possible to specify the order in which other languages should be displayed. Editors in the backend can now also write from right to left for languages such as Arabic or Hebrew. With the new Country API, access to localized country names, ISO codes, flags, etc. is possible.


As an enterprise CMS, security and stability are top priorities. The new version now supports Content Security Policies (SCP) in both the frontend and backend. There is also a new administration tool in the admin tools.

System requirements

Version 12.4 of TYPO3 requires PHP 8.1 or 8.2. The supported databases are MySQL from version 8.0, MariaDB from version 10.3, PostgreSQL from version 10.0 and SQLite from version 3.8.3. Apache, Nginx, IIS and Caddy are supported as web servers.

Availability at jweiland.net

Version 12.4 is now available in all cloud hosting tariffs. Installation is possible in the classic way or via Composer. Our TYPO3 Toolkit will support version 12 in a few weeks. Version 12.4 can be used in the Classic tariffs in the next few weeks. From mid-May, our sample template - our "best practice" template - will also be available free of charge in version 12.4.

The comic-style graphic shows the powerful upper body of a superhero with the TYPO3 V12 LTS font

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